Woman Claims to Be Cherrie Mahan, Pennsylvania Girl Missing Since 1985

Woman Claims to Be Cherrie Mahan, Pennsylvania Girl Missing Since 1985
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In a sur­pris­ing devel­op­ment, a woman has come for­ward claim­ing to be Cher­rie Mahan, an 8‑year-old girl who dis­ap­peared from her bus stop in Win­field Town­ship, Penn­syl­va­nia near­ly four decades ago. Penn­syl­va­nia State Police are now inves­ti­gat­ing the wom­an’s claims as they work to ver­i­fy her identity.

Cher­rie Mahan was last seen on Feb­ru­ary 22, 1985, after get­ting off the school bus at the bot­tom of her dri­ve­way just after 4 p.m. A blue 1976 Dodge van with a mur­al of a ski­er on a moun­tain was spot­ted in the area and may have been involved in her dis­ap­pear­ance, accord­ing to investigators.

The woman made her claim in a post to a “Mem­o­ries of Cher­rie Mahan” Face­book group last month, which was brought to the atten­tion of state police. How­ev­er, Cher­rie’s moth­er, Jan­ice McK­in­ney, does not believe the woman is actu­al­ly her now 46-year-old daughter.

“I tru­ly believe she thought in her mind that she was Cher­rie,” McK­in­ney told the But­ler Eagle. “It did not look any­thing like Cher­rie at all.”

This is the fourth woman to claim to be Cher­rie Mahan over the years, as the heart­bro­ken moth­er con­tin­ues to search for answers about her daugh­ter’s dis­ap­pear­ance. A $5,000 reward remains avail­able for any­one with infor­ma­tion lead­ing to Cher­rie’s loca­tion or an arrest.

Despite the lat­est false claim, McK­in­ney remains hope­ful that Cher­rie is being cared for, whether alive or deceased. “If she was dead, she is in heav­en with my par­ents and my broth­ers. If she was alive, some­one was tak­ing care of her. I don’t know why I feel that way,” she said.

The inves­ti­ga­tion into the wom­an’s claim is ongo­ing, as state police work with an out-of-state agency to try to ver­i­fy her iden­ti­ty. This case con­tin­ues to cap­ti­vate and haunt the com­mu­ni­ty, with the hope that Cher­rie Mahan’s fate will one day be uncov­ered after near­ly four decades of unan­swered questions.

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