Wyoming Teacher Fired for Refusing to Use Trans Students’ Preferred Pronouns

Wyoming Teacher Fired for Refusing to Use Trans Students' Preferred Pronouns
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Gene Clemet­son, a sub­sti­tute teacher in Laramie Coun­ty School Dis­trict #1, was fired from two dif­fer­ent schools for insist­ing on call­ing stu­dents by the names on offi­cial ros­ters rather than their pre­ferred names.

At East High School, Clemet­son refused a trans­gen­der stu­den­t’s request to be called by a dif­fer­ent name than was list­ed. He had a sim­i­lar inci­dent at Tri­umph High School and was asked to leave both schools.

Clemet­son met with HR where inci­dents from mul­ti­ple stu­dents at each school, who were upset by his refusal to use their pre­ferred names and pro­nouns, were detailed. He believes address­ing stu­dents in this way infringes on his free speech.

The dis­trict has not clar­i­fied if they have a for­mal pol­i­cy requir­ing teach­ers to use pre­ferred names and pro­nouns. Clemet­son’s case adds to the debate around bal­anc­ing trans­gen­der rights and those who cite reli­gious free­dom in sim­i­lar situations.

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