Gene ClemetÂson, a subÂstiÂtute teacher in Laramie CounÂty School DisÂtrict #1, was fired from two difÂferÂent schools for insistÂing on callÂing stuÂdents by the names on offiÂcial rosÂters rather than their preÂferred names.
At East High School, ClemetÂson refused a transÂgenÂder stuÂdenÂtâs request to be called by a difÂferÂent name than was listÂed. He had a simÂiÂlar inciÂdent at TriÂumph High School and was asked to leave both schools.
ClemetÂson met with HR where inciÂdents from mulÂtiÂple stuÂdents at each school, who were upset by his refusal to use their preÂferred names and proÂnouns, were detailed. He believes addressÂing stuÂdents in this way infringes on his free speech.
The disÂtrict has not clarÂiÂfied if they have a forÂmal polÂiÂcy requirÂing teachÂers to use preÂferred names and proÂnouns. ClemetÂsonâs case adds to the debate around balÂancÂing transÂgenÂder rights and those who cite reliÂgious freeÂdom in simÂiÂlar situations.
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