Half a cenÂtuÂry ago, AmerÂiÂcan mathÂeÂmatiÂcian Edward Lorenz wonÂdered whether a butÂterÂfly flapÂping its wings in Brazil could cause a torÂnaÂdo in Texas through a chaotÂic domiÂno effect.
If the quesÂtion had been, âDo locusts, just by flapÂping their wings, have the powÂer of a thunÂderÂstorm?â It wasÂnât, but now I have the answer.
A new study of the effect of beatÂing insect wings on atmosÂpherÂic elecÂtric fields reveals that many tiny wings charge the air in the same way that swirling water vapor clouds charge the air in a thunÂderÂstorm. became.
This is not to say that we should worÂry about lightÂning-boltÂing locust catÂaÂstroÂphes, as in the Bible, but that bioÂlogÂiÂcal pheÂnomÂeÂna should be takÂen into account when modÂelÂing local patÂterns of atmosÂpherÂic elecÂtric fields. You could call it proof.
If you zoom in on the dust and moisÂture in the air of an insect, or the atoms that make up parts of its body, you can see elecÂtrons flyÂing around like coins in a jogÂging pocket.
When you press hard, these negÂaÂtiveÂly charged parÂtiÂcles pop out of their posÂiÂtiveÂly charged pockÂets, creÂatÂing a difÂferÂence called a potenÂtial difference.
In a storm, small ice parÂtiÂcles risÂing in air curÂrents colÂlide with largÂer ice parÂtiÂcles falling to the ground, creÂatÂing a conÂveyÂor belt of elecÂtriÂcal charges that exagÂgerÂate the potenÂtial difÂferÂence between the top of the cloud, the botÂtom of the cloud, and the ground. there is something
The charge build-up is essenÂtialÂly invisÂiÂble, but the effect is not. When the graÂdiÂent reachÂes a tipÂping point, an ionÂizaÂtion chanÂnel is formed, effecÂtiveÂly balÂancÂing out what we conÂsidÂer to be a lightÂning run.
Even in the absence of lightÂning, areas of conÂtrastÂing charges can affect the moveÂment of ions such as varÂiÂous polÂluÂtants and dust.
The magÂniÂtude and posiÂtion of the potenÂtial difÂferÂence are deterÂmined by varÂiÂous facÂtors, such as cloud moveÂment, preÂcipÂiÂtaÂtion, and cosÂmic ray showÂers, but until now, no one had seriÂousÂly conÂsidÂered the effects of bioÂlogÂiÂcal phenomena.
âWeâve always looked at how physics influÂences biolÂoÂgy,â said Ellard HuntÂing, a biolÂoÂgist at the UniÂverÂsiÂty of BrisÂtol in the UK and the lead author of the study. But at some point I realÂized that biolÂoÂgy could also influÂence physics.
âWe are interÂestÂed in how difÂferÂent organÂisms use the ubiqÂuiÂtous elecÂtroÂstaÂtÂic fields in the environment.
In recent years, it has become clear that inverÂteÂbrates such as insects carÂry a small elecÂtriÂcal charge relÂaÂtive to the surÂroundÂing atmosÂphere. Baby spiÂders can even use this trick to launch themÂselves into the air.
But how this small potenÂtial stacks up in the herd has nevÂer been meaÂsured. So HuntÂing and his team set out to visÂit a field staÂtion at the UniÂverÂsiÂty of BrisÂtol School of VetÂeriÂnary MedÂiÂcine, where one of the many bee colonies awaits.
Using elecÂtric-field monÂiÂtors and a camÂera that monÂiÂtors bee denÂsiÂty, they tracked local elecÂtriÂcal graÂdiÂents in a migratÂing swarm. For three minÂutes, insects flitÂted about, increasÂing the potenÂtial difÂferÂence to 100 volts per meter.
FurÂther analyÂsis conÂfirmed that the voltÂage was relatÂed to the conÂcenÂtraÂtion of bee swarms, allowÂing the researchers to see how the numÂber of bees buzzing through the air at a parÂticÂuÂlar locaÂtion affectÂed the atmosÂpherÂic charge. can now be preÂdictÂed with some certainty.
The researchers found this estiÂmate to be conÂsisÂtent with eviÂdence from honÂeyÂbees, and applied the same reaÂsonÂing to othÂer swarmÂing insects.
ScalÂing up indiÂvidÂual locust loads to plague size, they found that large locust swarms proÂduced load denÂsiÂties simÂiÂlar to thunderstorms.
âElecÂtric charges seem to exist only in the world of physics, but it is imporÂtant to know how much nature as a whole perÂceives elecÂtricÂiÂty in the atmosÂphere,â says Giles HarÂriÂson, an atmosÂpherÂic physiÂcist at the UniÂverÂsiÂty of Reading.
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