EarÂly and accuÂrate diagÂnoÂsis of sympÂtoms makes a big difÂferÂence when develÂopÂing a cure or a definÂiÂtive cure for a disÂease. SciÂenÂtists have now develÂoped a method to quickÂly and reliÂably idenÂtiÂfy peoÂple with ParkinÂsonâs disease.
After the skin is colÂlectÂed, the test can be perÂformed in as litÂtle as 3 minÂutes. The swab anaÂlyzes changes in the chemÂiÂcal mixÂture of sebum (a natÂurÂal waxy oil secretÂed by the skin that was preÂviÂousÂly linked to ParkinÂsonâs disease).
A speÂcialÂist diagÂnoses ParkinÂsonâs disÂease based on sympÂtoms, a medÂical hisÂtoÂry, the results of a lengthy physÂiÂcal examÂiÂnaÂtion, and someÂtimes a brain scan.
âThis test has the potenÂtial to greatÂly improve the diagÂnoÂsis and treatÂment of peoÂple with ParkinÂsonâs disÂease,â says neuÂrolÂoÂgist MonÂty SilÂverdale of the UniÂverÂsiÂty of ManÂchesÂter, UK.
The new test is based on research done by Joy Milne, a ScotÂtish woman who sufÂfers from heredÂiÂtary hyperÂsmia, and her researchers.
Years before her husÂband was forÂmalÂly diagÂnosed with ParkinÂsonâs disÂease, Milne, who noticed she began to smell like musk, says she can sniff out signs of illÂness in peoÂple. I disÂcovÂered that it can be done.
ThereÂfore, the research team focused on âsebum,â which is relatÂed to the endocrine sysÂtem and keeps the skin moist. Back in 2019, some of the same researchers idenÂtiÂfied how the chemÂiÂcal mix of sebum changes in indiÂvidÂuÂals as they develÂop ParkinÂsonâs disease.
It is now posÂsiÂble to conÂduct tests based on changes in these bioÂmarkÂers. A cotÂton swab colÂlectÂed at the clinÂic is sent to the lab, where the molÂeÂcÂuÂlar comÂpoÂsiÂtion can be viewed by mass specÂtromÂeÂtry. The curÂrent study comÂpared a samÂple of 79 ParkinÂsonâs patients with a samÂple of 71 non-ParkinÂsonâs patients.
âThen we find more than 4,000 comÂpounds, 500 of which are difÂferÂent in ParkinÂsonâs patients and conÂtrols,â says DepanÂjan Sarkar, a chemist at the UniÂverÂsiÂty of Manchester.
The fact that the test is non-invaÂsive and results are very fast is a posÂiÂtive sign. But sciÂenÂtists have yet to demonÂstrate that the method can be scaled up to work in non-labÂoÂraÂtoÂry settings.
Going furÂther, he says, othÂer disÂeases and conÂdiÂtions may also be diagÂnosed by sebum analyÂsis. HowÂevÂer, it is not yet fulÂly underÂstood why the onset of ParkinÂsonâs disÂease causÂes these changes in fluÂid secretion.
ParkinÂsonâs disÂease is curÂrentÂly the fastest growÂing neuÂroÂlogÂiÂcal disÂease and is expectÂed to conÂtinÂue to do so. SciÂenÂtists are workÂing hard to find a cure, but there are ways to slow or manÂage the disÂease. ThereÂfore, earÂly diagÂnoÂsis is very important.
âWe are very pleased with these results as they move us closÂer to creÂatÂing a diagÂnosÂtic test for ParkinÂsonâs disÂease that can be used clinÂiÂcalÂly,â said PerdiÂta BarÂran, a chemist at the UniÂverÂsiÂty of Manchester.
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