It is true that water, which exists in the natÂurÂal world, conÂducts elecÂtricÂiÂty, but that is because impuÂriÂties conÂtained in it disÂsolve and become free ions, allowÂing curÂrent to flow. In order for pure water to become a âmetÂalâ that conÂducts elecÂtricÂiÂty, ultra-high presÂsures that are imposÂsiÂble to manÂuÂfacÂture in a labÂoÂraÂtoÂry are required.
But high presÂsure isnât the only thing that can induce such metalÂlicÂiÂty in pure water, as researchers first showed in 2021.
By bringÂing pure water into conÂtact with an elecÂtron-sharÂing alkaÂli metÂal (here, an alloy of sodiÂum and potasÂsiÂum), free-movÂing charged parÂtiÂcles can be added, metÂalÂlizÂing the water.
As a result, the conÂducÂtivÂiÂty lasts only a few secÂonds, but directÂly examÂinÂing this phase of water is an imporÂtant step towards underÂstandÂing it.
When the study was pubÂlished last year, physiÂcist Robert SeiÂdel of the Helmholtz InstiÂtute for MateÂriÂals and EnerÂgy in Berlin explained, âYou can see the phase tranÂsiÂtion to metalÂlic water with the naked eye.â
âThe droplets of silÂvery sodiÂum and potasÂsiÂum are covÂered with a goldÂen glow, which is very impressive.â
Any mateÂrÂiÂal can theÂoÂretÂiÂcalÂly become a conÂducÂtor if you apply enough presÂsure to it.
If you squeeze an atom too hard, the orbitals of the outÂer elecÂtrons begin to overÂlap, allowÂing the atom to move. For water, this presÂsure is about 48 megabars, or just under 48 milÂlion times the EarthÂâs presÂsure at sea level.
HighÂer presÂsures occur in the labÂoÂraÂtoÂry, but are unsatÂisÂfacÂtoÂry for metalÂlic water studÂies. So a research team led by Pavel JungÂwirth, an organÂic chemist at the Czech AcadÂeÂmy of SciÂences, turned to alkaÂli metals.
These mateÂriÂals release their outÂer elecÂtrons so easÂiÂly that elecÂtron exchange can be induced withÂout using high-presÂsure pure water.
The only probÂlem is that alkaÂli metÂals are highÂly reacÂtive with liqÂuid water and can someÂtimes explode.
When metÂal falls into water, it makes a thud.
The research team has found a very ingeÂnious way to solve this probÂlem. Instead of adding metÂal to water, why not add water to metal?
Inside the vacÂuÂum vesÂsel, a lump of sodiÂum-potasÂsiÂum alloy, which is liqÂuid at room temÂperÂaÂture, was first extrudÂed through a nozÂzle, and a thin film of pure water was careÂfulÂly added by vapor deposition.
Upon conÂtact, elecÂtrons and metÂal cations (posÂiÂtiveÂly charged ions) flowed from the alloy into the water.
As a result, the water not only had a goldÂen glow, but became as conÂducÂtive as pure metalÂlic water under high pressure.
This was also conÂfirmed by optiÂcal reflectance specÂtroscopy and synÂchroÂtron radiÂaÂtion Xâray phoÂtoÂelecÂtron spectroscopy.
The two propÂerÂties, the goldÂen glow and the conÂducÂtive band, were clearÂly disÂtinÂguishÂable because they occuÂpy two difÂferÂent freÂquenÂcy bands.
The study will not only improve our underÂstandÂing of phase tranÂsiÂtions on Earth, but also allow us to betÂter underÂstand the extreme high presÂsure conÂdiÂtions inside large planets.
For examÂple, the icy planÂets of the Solar SysÂtem, NepÂtune and Uranus, are thought to have swirls of liqÂuid metalÂlic hydroÂgen. And only Jupiter is thought to have enough presÂsure to metÂalÂlize pure water.
I am very excitÂed to be able to reproÂduce the conÂdiÂtions inside the planÂet ColosÂsus in the solar system.
âThis study not only proves that metalÂlic water is proÂduced on Earth, but also reveals the specÂtroÂscopÂic propÂerÂties assoÂciÂatÂed with its beauÂtiÂful goldÂen metalÂlic lusÂter,â says Seidel.
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