Ex-Boyfriend Dies from Injuries After Brutal Attack
The man who set fire to Olympic marathon runÂner RebecÂca ChepÂtegei last SunÂday has also died from injuries he susÂtained in the fatal attack on the UganÂdan athlete.
ChepÂtegei, 33, tragÂiÂcalÂly passed away in a hosÂpiÂtal in Eldoret, Kenya, days after she sufÂfered 80% burns when ex-boyfriend DickÂson Ndiema threw petrol on her and set her alight amid a bitÂter argument.
Cheptegei Succumbs to Organ Failure After Attack
ChepÂtegei sufÂfered mulÂtiÂple organ failÂure and died last week. Ndiema also received conÂsidÂerÂable burns in the attack and was rushed to the same hosÂpiÂtal, where he was set to be arrestÂed once he had recovÂered enough from his injuries. HowÂevÂer, offiÂcials at the hosÂpiÂtal conÂfirmed that Ndiema also sucÂcumbed to his injuries late last night.
Brutal Murder and Suspected Cover-Up Attempt
The savÂage attack on ChepÂtegei took place on SunÂday, SepÂtemÂber 1. Ndiema is said to have snapped and doused her with petrol from a jerÂry can before setÂting her alight.
NeighÂbors who heard the comÂmoÂtion tried to extinÂguish the flames, but were unsucÂcessÂful. Ndiema was latÂer found to have also susÂtained burns, sugÂgestÂing he may have attemptÂed to covÂer up the murder.
Cheptegeiâs Promising Athletic Career Tragically Cut Short
ChepÂtegei, a forÂmer sergeant in the UganÂda PeoÂpleâs Defence Forces, had disÂplayed immense talÂent for endurance runÂning and was comÂpetÂing in marathons and othÂer long-disÂtance events at the highÂest level.
In 2022, she won gold in the mounÂtain race at the World MounÂtain and Trail RunÂning ChamÂpiÂonships and finÂished secÂond in the Abu Dhabi marathon.
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