Floyd Mayweather and Tyga Hit with $4M Lawsuit by Miami Jeweler

Floyd Mayweather and Tyga Hit with $4M Lawsuit by Miami Jeweler
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The Lawsuit Details

Leonard Sulay­manov, own­er of Lenzo & Co., has filed a $4 mil­lion law­suit against box­ing icon Floyd May­weath­er and rap­per Tyga.

The suit, filed in Mia­mi fed­er­al court, alleges vio­la­tions of the Rack­e­teer Influ­enced and Cor­rupt Orga­ni­za­tion (RICO) Act, along with claims of fraud, civ­il con­spir­a­cy, breach of con­tract, unjust enrich­ment, and civ­il theft.

Mayweather’s Alleged Purchases

Accord­ing to the law­suit, May­weath­er pur­chased sev­er­al high-end items from Sulay­manov, including:

  • A yel­low-gold Aude­mars Piguet watch
  • Two Richard Mille watches
  • A Patek Philippe watch
  • A rose-gold Rolex Pres­i­den­tial Day-Date
  • A dia­mond ring
  • A dia­mond necklace

Sulay­manov claims he only received $267,000 in down pay­ments before May­weath­er left Mia­mi, leav­ing a sub­stan­tial unpaid balance.

Tyga’s Involvement

The law­suit also impli­cates rap­per Tyga, alleg­ing he failed to pay for a Rolex watch val­ued at $79,000.

The Money Team’s Alleged Tactics

May­weath­er’s entourage, known as “The Mon­ey Team” (TMT), is accused of engag­ing in “preda­to­ry, unfair, improp­er, fraud­u­lent, and unscrupu­lous prac­tices” to exploit Sulay­manov’s rep­u­ta­tion and inventory.

Sulaymanov’s Claims

The jew­el­er alleges that he met with May­weath­er and TMT mem­bers at the Fontainebleau Mia­mi Beach hotel in 2021. Despite attempts to con­fis­cate his phone, Sulay­manov claims he dis­creet­ly doc­u­ment­ed the transactions.

Las Vegas Meeting

Two weeks after the Mia­mi encounter, Sulay­manov trav­eled to Las Vegas at the request of May­weath­er’s agent, Jona Rech­nitz. The jew­el­er claims May­weath­er made addi­tion­al pur­chas­es with­out set­tling his exist­ing balance.

Outstanding Debts

Accord­ing to the law­suit, May­weath­er owes:

  • $1.8 mil­lion for watches
  • $2 mil­lion for the dia­mond ring and necklace

Legal Implications

The law­suit­’s RICO alle­ga­tions could have seri­ous legal con­se­quences for May­weath­er and Tyga if proven true. This case high­lights the inter­sec­tion of celebri­ty cul­ture, lux­u­ry goods, and legal obligations.

FloydMayweather #TygaLawsuit

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