FOOTBALL: Bayern Munich boss Kahn admits he considered rescuing Cristiano Ronaldo from Manchester United

Bayern Munich have "a bit of talk" about signing Cristiano Ronaldo this summer, says club boss Oliver Kahn
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Bay­ern Munich have “a bit of talk” about sign­ing Cris­tiano Ronal­do this sum­mer, says club boss Oliv­er Kahn.

The Por­tuguese strik­er has revealed his desire to leave Old Traf­ford, skip­ping the Red Dev­ils’ pre-sea­son tour for ‘per­son­al reasons’.

The 37-year-old Ronal­do remained at Unit­ed after a poten­tial move to the Bun­desli­ga fell through.

“We talked briefly about Ronal­do at Bay­ern and prob­a­bly Dort­mund too,” said Bay­ern man­ag­ing direc­tor Kahn in an inter­view with Bild.

Also see “Bun­desli­ga scenery”.

“Of course, a super­star like Ronal­do is an impor­tant fac­tor in get­ting the league’s attention.

“The biggest pres­ence in the last 10 years”. But we fired him right away. ”

Ronal­do has made just one start in the Pre­mier League this sea­son, in the 4–0 crush­ing defeat at Brent­ford in August.

He hopes to be select­ed for tonight’s Europa League match against Cypri­ot side Omonia.

Eric Ten­hag insist­ed he kept the five-time Bal­lon d’Or win­ner on the bench in the 6–3 loss to Man­ches­ter City out of “respect for his incred­i­ble career”.

Ahead of tonight’s game, Ten­hag admit­ted he was “upset” that Ronal­do did­n’t play last weekend.

“Don’t get me wrong, he’s not hap­py not to play on Sun­day,” the 52-year-old said.

“Of course he wants to play and he gets mad when he does­n’t play. Of course.

“If he’s here and he’s hap­py and com­fort­able on the bench, this is not the club where he should be, espe­cial­ly Cristiano.

“He’s very com­pet­i­tive. He does­n’t want to play.”

Bay­ern, who lost Robert Lewandows­ki to Barcelona, ​​may have been look­ing for the striker.

But they want to sign Tot­ten­ham star Har­ry Kane after open­ly flirt­ing with the Eng­land captain.

Bay­ern are said to be in tem­po­rary con­tact with the 29-year-old’s agent as Kane’s con­tract with Spurs expires in 2024.

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