The Barcelona city side has become one of the cityâs main tourist attractions.
The PorÂtuguese legÂend was sideÂlined in SunÂdayâs 6â3 defeat to ManÂchesÂter City, but the manÂagÂer said he did so âout of respect for his great careerâ.
The TeleÂgraph reports that he âhopes to move in JanÂuÂaryâ after failÂing to leave this summer.
Ten Hag wantÂed to keep the 37-year-old PorÂtuguese strikÂer at Old TrafÂford as soon as he arrived.
HowÂevÂer, accordÂing to this report, if there is a conÂvincÂing offer, he is âposÂiÂtive to leaveâ.
The vetÂerÂan playÂer has been sideÂlined this seaÂson after a conÂtroÂverÂsial run this summer.
UndeÂcidÂed RonalÂdo returned late to pre-seaÂson training.
As a result, he was placed on the bench in the openÂing match against Brighton.
He returned to the startÂing line-up the folÂlowÂing week but was humilÂiÂatÂed along with his team-mates in a 4â0 crushÂing defeat to Brentford.
RonalÂdo was then relÂeÂgatÂed to the bench as UnitÂed went on to win four conÂsecÂuÂtive top-flight wins.
HowÂevÂer, despite havÂing anothÂer chance in the Europa League, the Red DevÂils lost at home to Real Sociedad and it was a clean slate.
A week latÂer, howÂevÂer, the superÂstar was in top form as he scored a penalÂty against SherÂiff in the same comÂpeÂtiÂtion on 15 SepÂtemÂber, makÂing it his final game for the club.
Now that subÂstiÂtute AnthoÂny MarÂtial has returned from injury and scored twice against City, his chances of becomÂing a regÂuÂlar again seem even slimmer.
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