FOOTBALL: Erik Ten Hag confirms Cristiano Ronaldo will be in Man Utd’s squad for Europa League clash with Sheriff after a turbulent week

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Erik Ten Hag con­firms Cris­tiano Ronal­do will be in Man Utd’s squad for Europa League clash with Sher­iff after a tur­bu­lent week

Erik Ten Hag insists he wants to put the con­tro­ver­sy behind him after return­ing Cris­tiano Ronal­do to Man­ches­ter United.

The Red Dev­ils boss has ruled Ronal­do out of the week­end against Chelsea after he refused to come on as a sub­sti­tute against Spurs at midweek.

How­ev­er, as a result of peace talks between the two, Ronal­do is back and will start tomor­row’s Europa League clash with FC Sheriff.

said Ten Hag.

“But I think we’ve said it all and answered all the ques­tions. He’s back in the team as usu­al after tak­ing one game off.

“I’m not going to answer any more, so I think I’ve explained all the ques­tions and we have to focus on tomor­row’s game.

“You don’t have to do it any­more, it’s over, you’re back, focus on the game, it’s impor­tant that Cris­tiano is on board”.

Club cap­tain Har­ry Maguire has also returned to the squad after being side­lined with a ham­string injury dur­ing the final inter­na­tion­al break with England.

Ten Hag says he still has an impor­tant role to play at Unit­ed ahead of the World Cup, espe­cial­ly fol­low­ing Rafael Varane’s injury.

He always plays an impor­tant role. He was injured, hap­py to be back, and now he has to play again.

“In terms of his qual­i­ties, I think he’s fine, he’s a great play­er and has a great abil­i­ty to do the job for us.”

Maguire is avail­able again against Qatar, while Rafael Varane, who suf­fered a ham­string injury that cost him his tears against Chelsea, is like­ly to miss the match against France.

Unit­ed boss Ten Hag has con­firmed he won’t play again before the World Cup, and his chances have all but vanished.

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