FOOTBALL: La Liga may go on strike over new sports law

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La Liga clubs could go on strike this month over Spain’s new sports law, but the par­ties hope to reach an agree­ment before such dras­tic action is deemed nec­es­sary. there is

La Liga pres­i­dent Javier Tebas has called an extra­or­di­nary gen­er­al meet­ing next Thurs­day (27 Octo­ber) to dis­cuss con­cerns and next steps regard­ing the lat­est draft of the gov­ern­ment bill, which is expect­ed to be passed by the end of the year.

La Liga are unhap­py that an amend­ment that would have pre­vent­ed the Span­ish club from join­ing an inde­pen­dent Super League has been with­drawn, cit­ing pres­sure from Super League spon­sors Real Madrid and Barcelona. I’m holding

The amend­ment will allow La Liga and the Span­ish Foot­ball Fed­er­a­tion (RFEF) to refuse clubs’ licens­es to play in com­pe­ti­tions not rec­og­nized by foot­bal­l’s gov­ern­ing bodies.

The issue remains unre­solved after a meet­ing on Mon­day attend­ed by Spain’s Min­is­ter of Cul­ture and Sport Mikel Ise­ta, La Liga pres­i­dent Javier Tebas and rep­re­sen­ta­tives of 15 clubs from the first and sec­ond divi­sions. is.

Sources said La Liga and its clubs lob­bied for changes to the bill and thought they could per­suade the gov­ern­ment to with­draw the amendment.

Offi­cials said a strike to sus­pend league play would be a last resort but could not be ruled out entire­ly. Super­league oper­a­tor A22 Sports Man­age­ment this week appoint­ed Bernd Reichardt as its new chief exec­u­tive in the lat­est move to revive and revi­tal­ize the dor­mant project.

The three found­ing clubs that pub­licly back the Super League, Real Madrid, Barcelona and Juven­tus, are cur­rent­ly sched­uled to dis­cuss whether UEFA’s dom­i­nance of Euro­pean foot­ball amounts to an ille­gal monop­oly under EU com­pe­ti­tion law. We are await­ing the deci­sion of the Euro­pean Court of Justice.

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