La Liga clubs could go on strike this month over Spainâs new sports law, but the parÂties hope to reach an agreeÂment before such drasÂtic action is deemed necÂesÂsary. there is
La Liga presÂiÂdent Javier Tebas has called an extraÂorÂdiÂnary genÂerÂal meetÂing next ThursÂday (27 OctoÂber) to disÂcuss conÂcerns and next steps regardÂing the latÂest draft of the govÂernÂment bill, which is expectÂed to be passed by the end of the year.
La Liga are unhapÂpy that an amendÂment that would have preÂventÂed the SpanÂish club from joinÂing an indeÂpenÂdent Super League has been withÂdrawn, citÂing presÂsure from Super League sponÂsors Real Madrid and Barcelona. Iâm holding
The amendÂment will allow La Liga and the SpanÂish FootÂball FedÂerÂaÂtion (RFEF) to refuse clubsâ licensÂes to play in comÂpeÂtiÂtions not recÂogÂnized by footÂbalÂlâs govÂernÂing bodies.
The issue remains unreÂsolved after a meetÂing on MonÂday attendÂed by Spainâs MinÂisÂter of CulÂture and Sport Mikel IseÂta, La Liga presÂiÂdent Javier Tebas and repÂreÂsenÂtaÂtives of 15 clubs from the first and secÂond diviÂsions. is.
Sources said La Liga and its clubs lobÂbied for changes to the bill and thought they could perÂsuade the govÂernÂment to withÂdraw the amendment.
OffiÂcials said a strike to susÂpend league play would be a last resort but could not be ruled out entireÂly. SuperÂleague operÂaÂtor A22 Sports ManÂageÂment this week appointÂed Bernd Reichardt as its new chief execÂuÂtive in the latÂest move to revive and reviÂtalÂize the dorÂmant project.
The three foundÂing clubs that pubÂlicly back the Super League, Real Madrid, Barcelona and JuvenÂtus, are curÂrentÂly schedÂuled to disÂcuss whether UEFAâs domÂiÂnance of EuroÂpean footÂball amounts to an illeÂgal monopÂoly under EU comÂpeÂtiÂtion law. We are awaitÂing the deciÂsion of the EuroÂpean Court of Justice.
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