FOOTBALL: Manchester City have missed a third of their penalty shootouts under Guardiola

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Pep Guardi­o­la’s Man­ches­ter City penal­ty record has been revealed.

And the data sug­gests that the worst offend­ers are being whipped by for­mer Barcelona bosses.

Since the Spaniard took charge at the Eti­had, City have scored a league-high 80 penal­ties, of which just 55 have been converted.

The con­ver­sion rate is 69%.

Ser­gio Aguero leads the penal­ty shootouts under Guardi­o­la with 28 spot kicks.

But the Argen­tini­an’s suc­cess rate is only 71%, with 20 goals.

Riyad Mahrez, who missed a penal­ty in a goal­less draw with Borus­sia Dort­mund, has an equal suc­cess rate of 71 per cent on 10 of his 14 goals.

But his over­all record is even worse, with 32 fouls and 10 missed, for a 69% foul rate.

Under Guardi­o­la, it was Chelsea’s Raheem Ster­ling and Arse­nal’s Gabriel Jesus who were sold in the summer.

Jesus choos­es pens at an aver­age rate of 5 out of 10.

But Ster­ling fared even worse, scor­ing just three of the sev­en shots he put in, shoot­ing just 43 percent.

Despite Mahrez’s 31-year-old record, the Alger­ian is in talks for a con­tract exten­sion with City before his con­tract expires at the end of the sea­son, hop­ing he won’t fol­low in the foot­steps of his for­mer team­mate. there is

Under Guardi­o­la, City are the only three play­ers who have nev­er missed a penal­ty – Yaya Toure, Rodri and Erling Haa­land – but they have missed just six times in total.

The oth­er two play­ers who scored penal­ty kicks for City after Guardi­o­la took over are mem­bers of the cur­rent man­age­ment team.

Ilkay Gun­do­gan, who was named club cap­tain by his team­mates, has scored four of his six spot kicks so far, accord­ing to City’s website.

Kevin De Bruyne, on the oth­er hand, has the high­est con­ver­sa­tion rate of any play­er who has ever thrown a pen and missed it, hit­ting 7 of 9 innings for a 78% suc­cess rate.

But under Guardi­o­la, City have become bet­ter at shoot­ing from 12 yards.

Brent­ford, on the oth­er hand, have scored 94 per cent of penal­ties, lead­ing the league.

There is also the view that the “Big 6″ are biased in tak­ing penal­ties, such as being among the top 7 in terms of the num­ber of penalties.

Man­ches­ter Unit­ed have made the sec­ond most penal­ties with 76, while Tot­ten­ham have com­plet­ed 87% of them.

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