FOOTBALL: Real Madrid make list of candidates to replace Carlo Ancelotti, including former star Xabi Alonso

Real Madrid are reportedly considering three targets to replace Carlo Ancelotti
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Real Madrid are report­ed­ly con­sid­er­ing three tar­gets to replace Car­lo Ancelotti.

Ancelot­ti has a steady job, hav­ing won La Liga and the Cham­pi­ons League last sea­son, but Los Blan­cos are still mak­ing plans for the future.

The 63-year-old Ital­ian recent­ly pledged his future to the club, but a tro­phy-less spell puts pres­sure on Ancelot­ti, who could pos­si­bly be sacked.

If so, Real could sign Bay­ern Munich man­ag­er Julian Nagels­mann, Le10sport reports.

The 35-year-old has made a name for him­self in foot­ball in his brief career, reach­ing the Cham­pi­ons League semi-finals with RB Leipzig in 2020 and mak­ing a move to Bay­ern Munich.

Last sea­son he dom­i­nat­ed the Bun­desli­ga with Ger­man pow­er­hous­es, win­ning 70% of his time since tak­ing office — he was named Ger­man Coach of the Year in 2017 when he fin­ished fourth at Hof­fen­heim and qual­i­fied for the Cham­pi­ons League. are also elected.

Nagels­mann knows what it takes to man­age the Euro­pean giants, but two oth­er names on Real’s short­list, Raul and Xabi Alon­so, would be even bet­ter suit­ed to man­age the BernabĂ©u.

Both played for Real Madrid, win­ning La Liga and the Cham­pi­ons League. Raul, 45, has won 10 major tro­phies for the club and scored 323 goals.

He also man­ages Real Madrid Castil­la, win­ning 40% of the games he has managed.

Zine­dine Zidane also gained expe­ri­ence in Real Madrid’s B team before tak­ing over as man­ag­er after 18 months at Castilla.

Also in the spot­light is for­mer Liv­er­pool for­ward Alon­so, who has a sim­i­lar expe­ri­ence to Raul’s, hav­ing led Real’s B team for three years.

Alon­so, 40, was rel­e­gat­ed and left in the sum­mer, but Real remain inter­est­ed and Ger­many’s Borus­sia Mönchenglad­bach have con­sid­ered a move in the past.

Bay­er Lev­erkusen have also shown inter­est in the Span­ish play­er after the loss of for­mer Chelsea man­ag­er Thomas Tuchel.

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