FOOTBALL: Shakhtar Donetsk coach urges Iran to be kicked out of World Cup, replaced by Ukraine

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“Iran should be kicked out of the World Cup and Ukraine should come instead,” said Shakhtar Donet­sk gen­er­al man­ag­er Sergey Palkin.

The Mid­dle East­ern nations will face Wales and the Unit­ed States, start­ing with Group B rivals Eng­land on 21 November.

But Ukrain­ian Pres­i­dent Volodymyr Zelen­sky has accused the com­pa­ny of sup­ply­ing drones to Rus­sia, and Palkin is demand­ing that it with­draw from the competition.

Shakhtar Foot­ball Club calls on FIFA and the inter­na­tion­al com­mu­ni­ty at large to imme­di­ate­ly ban the Iran­ian nation­al team from play­ing in the World Cup on the grounds of its direct involve­ment in ter­ror­ist attacks against Ukraini­ans,” Palkin said. A state­ment from said:

“This is a legit­i­mate deci­sion that should bring the whole world’s atten­tion to a regime that kills its good peo­ple and helps mur­der Ukrainians.”

The ‘vacant spot’ should be filled by Ukraine, who has proven wor­thy of a World Cup appearance.

“In the qual­i­fy­ing rounds, they were even­ly matched with oth­er nation­al teams and played their best.

“This deci­sion is his­tor­i­cal­ly and sport­ing­ly justified.

Enough of repeat­ing the fail­ures of the 2018 Rus­sia World Cup behind an emp­ty the­sis of “the apo­lit­i­cal nature of sport”.

“It’s pol­i­tics that dri­ves ter­ror­ist par­tic­i­pa­tion in the World Cup. It’s time to put an end to that politics.”

Ukraine lost to Wales in a World Cup qual­i­fi­er ear­li­er this year.

Zelen­sky, 44, has revealed that the sev­en Russ­ian drones shot down in Ukraine were sup­plied by Iran.

In response, he dis­missed the Iran­ian ambas­sador to Ukraine.

Iran has also been accused of send­ing per­son­nel to Crimea to sup­port the dead­ly bomb­ing of Ukrain­ian cities by kamikaze planes.

Activists have also stepped up calls for Iran to be deport­ed after a crack­down by Iran’s reli­gious and moral police killed more than 200 demonstrators.

In Iran, a stu­dent detained for not wear­ing a scarf cor­rect­ly has been killed in a riot.

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