âIran should be kicked out of the World Cup and Ukraine should come instead,â said Shakhtar DonetÂsk genÂerÂal manÂagÂer Sergey Palkin.
The MidÂdle EastÂern nations will face Wales and the UnitÂed States, startÂing with Group B rivals EngÂland on 21 November.
But UkrainÂian PresÂiÂdent Volodymyr ZelenÂsky has accused the comÂpaÂny of supÂplyÂing drones to RusÂsia, and Palkin is demandÂing that it withÂdraw from the competition.
Shakhtar FootÂball Club calls on FIFA and the interÂnaÂtionÂal comÂmuÂniÂty at large to immeÂdiÂateÂly ban the IranÂian nationÂal team from playÂing in the World Cup on the grounds of its direct involveÂment in terÂrorÂist attacks against UkrainiÂans,â Palkin said. A stateÂment from said:
âThis is a legitÂiÂmate deciÂsion that should bring the whole worldâs attenÂtion to a regime that kills its good peoÂple and helps murÂder Ukrainians.â
The âvacant spotâ should be filled by Ukraine, who has proven worÂthy of a World Cup appearance.
âIn the qualÂiÂfyÂing rounds, they were evenÂly matched with othÂer nationÂal teams and played their best.
âThis deciÂsion is hisÂtorÂiÂcalÂly and sportÂingÂly justified.
Enough of repeatÂing the failÂures of the 2018 RusÂsia World Cup behind an empÂty theÂsis of âthe apoÂlitÂiÂcal nature of sportâ.
âItâs polÂiÂtics that driÂves terÂrorÂist parÂticÂiÂpaÂtion in the World Cup. Itâs time to put an end to that politics.â
Ukraine lost to Wales in a World Cup qualÂiÂfiÂer earÂliÂer this year.
ZelenÂsky, 44, has revealed that the sevÂen RussÂian drones shot down in Ukraine were supÂplied by Iran.
In response, he disÂmissed the IranÂian ambasÂsador to Ukraine.
Iran has also been accused of sendÂing perÂsonÂnel to Crimea to supÂport the deadÂly bombÂing of UkrainÂian cities by kamikaze planes.
Activists have also stepped up calls for Iran to be deportÂed after a crackÂdown by Iranâs reliÂgious and moral police killed more than 200 demonstrators.
In Iran, a stuÂdent detained for not wearÂing a scarf corÂrectÂly has been killed in a riot.
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