The new boss of the bankÂrupt EuroÂpean Super League preÂdicts that it will restart in 2024, spreadÂing ripples.
In April 2021, plans to build a EuroÂpean Super League surÂfaced, but the plan was quickÂly canÂceled due to backÂlash from fans.
The PreÂmier Leagueâs Big 6 (ArseÂnal, Chelsea, LivÂerÂpool, ManÂchesÂter City, ManÂchesÂter UnitÂed and TotÂtenÂham) pulled out of the origÂiÂnal project after huge protests.
AtlĂ©tiÂco Madrid, Inter Milan and AC Milan follow.
But Real Madrid, Barcelona and JuvenÂtus have always wantÂed to revive their failed projects.
And now A22 Sports ManÂageÂment, which repÂreÂsents the three clubs interÂestÂed in the Super League, on TuesÂday appointÂed Bernd Reichardt as its new chief execÂuÂtive, lookÂing to revive the sport.
âWe want to reach out to the peoÂple in EuroÂpean footÂball to spread this vision,â ReichÂhardt told the FinanÂcial Times. Even if you are a fan, there are many places where you can symÂpaÂthize with that idea. Itâs a blank slate. ForÂmatÂting is nevÂer an obstacle.
The 12 clubsâ origÂiÂnal offer guarÂanÂteed parÂticÂiÂpaÂtion regardÂless of domesÂtic perÂforÂmance. This âclosed shopâ modÂel needs to change, ReichÂhardt admits.
He added: âThereâs a reassessÂment going on. Thereâs a clear trend towards not being a perÂmaÂnent memÂber in an open format.â
âI would like to see if there is a broadÂer conÂsenÂsus on the issues facÂing EuroÂpean football.â
The Times also launched a fresh start over conÂcerns that EngÂlish clubs have become too domÂiÂnant in Europe, despite only two PreÂmier League clubs winÂning the ChamÂpiÂons League in the last decade. In the mateÂriÂals sent to the club, it is clarÂiÂfied that
The three remainÂing ESL clubs conÂtinÂue their legal batÂtle with Uefa, which they claim has a monopÂoly on EuroÂpean footÂball, claimÂing both Uefa and FIFA vioÂlatÂed EU comÂpeÂtiÂtion law in their oppoÂsiÂtion to its creation.
JuvenÂtus and Barcelona have shown their supÂport for Reichert by retweetÂing a video announcÂing his appointÂment to A22 Sports Management.
LibÂerÂal DemoÂcÂrat leader Sir Ed DavÂey has critÂiÂcized the six PreÂmier League clubs that attemptÂed to sepÂaÂrate the ESL last year, sayÂing: âThis is a domesÂtic club that has had a terÂriÂble year pulling apart the heart of the EngÂlish game. Itâs a mass of greed that plagues the world.â
âThe conÂseÂquences of these plans are far-reachÂing. GovÂernÂments must step in to stop a few greedy and wealthy ownÂers from destroyÂing the games we all love.â
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