FOOTBALL: The European Super League is back in action, and its new chief executive has revealed a surprise start date for 2024

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The new boss of the bank­rupt Euro­pean Super League pre­dicts that it will restart in 2024, spread­ing ripples.

In April 2021, plans to build a Euro­pean Super League sur­faced, but the plan was quick­ly can­celed due to back­lash from fans.

The Pre­mier League’s Big 6 (Arse­nal, Chelsea, Liv­er­pool, Man­ches­ter City, Man­ches­ter Unit­ed and Tot­ten­ham) pulled out of the orig­i­nal project after huge protests.

Atléti­co Madrid, Inter Milan and AC Milan follow.

But Real Madrid, Barcelona and Juven­tus have always want­ed to revive their failed projects.

And now A22 Sports Man­age­ment, which rep­re­sents the three clubs inter­est­ed in the Super League, on Tues­day appoint­ed Bernd Reichardt as its new chief exec­u­tive, look­ing to revive the sport.

“We want to reach out to the peo­ple in Euro­pean foot­ball to spread this vision,” Reich­hardt told the Finan­cial Times. Even if you are a fan, there are many places where you can sym­pa­thize with that idea. It’s a blank slate. For­mat­ting is nev­er an obstacle.

The 12 clubs’ orig­i­nal offer guar­an­teed par­tic­i­pa­tion regard­less of domes­tic per­for­mance. This “closed shop” mod­el needs to change, Reich­hardt admits.

He added: “There’s a reassess­ment going on. There’s a clear trend towards not being a per­ma­nent mem­ber in an open format.”

“I would like to see if there is a broad­er con­sen­sus on the issues fac­ing Euro­pean football.”

The Times also launched a fresh start over con­cerns that Eng­lish clubs have become too dom­i­nant in Europe, despite only two Pre­mier League clubs win­ning the Cham­pi­ons League in the last decade. In the mate­ri­als sent to the club, it is clar­i­fied that

The three remain­ing ESL clubs con­tin­ue their legal bat­tle with Uefa, which they claim has a monop­oly on Euro­pean foot­ball, claim­ing both Uefa and FIFA vio­lat­ed EU com­pe­ti­tion law in their oppo­si­tion to its creation.

Juven­tus and Barcelona have shown their sup­port for Reichert by retweet­ing a video announc­ing his appoint­ment to A22 Sports Management.

Lib­er­al Demo­c­rat leader Sir Ed Dav­ey has crit­i­cized the six Pre­mier League clubs that attempt­ed to sep­a­rate the ESL last year, say­ing: “This is a domes­tic club that has had a ter­ri­ble year pulling apart the heart of the Eng­lish game. It’s a mass of greed that plagues the world.”

“The con­se­quences of these plans are far-reach­ing. Gov­ern­ments must step in to stop a few greedy and wealthy own­ers from destroy­ing the games we all love.”

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