FOOTBALL: Woman ‘had sex with Jack Grealish, raped by third man after sex with Benjamin Mendy’

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A woman was alleged­ly raped by a third man after hav­ing sex with Man­ches­ter City play­er Jack Gre­al­ish and engag­ing in a “sex­u­al act” with team-mate Ben­jamin Mendy, the court said yes­ter­day. was tried in

The woman went to a night­club with two play­ers and Louis Saha-Machry last August, she told police.

An after­par­ty was held at Mendy’s man­sion in Prest­bury, Cheshire.

Dur­ing a par­ty, the young woman was alleged­ly raped in her Mer­cedes car by Mendy’s friend Math­ury, 41, after she left home to buy booze at a local garage.

The woman said she felt “vul­gar, dirty and dis­gust­ing” when she returned to Mendy’s home after she was alleged­ly raped, she told police.

The wit­ness also admit­ted that she had not told police that she had sex with anoth­er black man, “Ghost,” in the pool area of ​​her home.

After arriv­ing at Mendy’s house at 5:38 a.m., she said she “sit on the couch in the liv­ing room for hours” chat­ting with two girls and a Gril­ish friend, police said. said to

At Chester Crown Court, Mr Math­ury’s attor­ney, Lisa Wild­ing KC, asked, “Have you had sex with Jack Grealish?”

She said “yes”.

“Do you remem­ber any­thing?” asked the lawyer.

“I don’t know which room she was in,” she replied. We should have had sex…”

The next day, the then-23-year-old texted her friend, “Haha­ha, I slept with Jack Gre­al­ish,” jurors said.

Her friend replied, “Oh my God.” lol What the f**k…” she said. OMG. proud. Was it good (laughs)?

The woman replied “Yes, very good”.

Also, the “yes he has a girl­friend” mes­sage was fol­lowed by her “sad face” emoji.

Wild­ing asked if she was “brag­ging” or “giv­ing in” to what she had done.

“I would­n’t say she’s ‘brag­ging,’ ” she replied.

She also heard that the court ini­tial­ly did not tell police that she did not have sex, although she lat­er admit­ted that she had been in bed with Mendy.

Anoth­er woman, then 17, also alleged that Mendy, 28, raped her twice at a party.

She claims that the assault took place in his office and the tro­phy room, and that she was then raped by Math­ury twice more in a cin­e­ma and in her Man­ches­ter apartment.

Pros­e­cu­tor Tim­o­thy Clay KC asked why the wit­ness did­n’t tell police about his sex­u­al inter­course with “Ghost,” Gril­ish and Mendy.

She said, “It’s peo­ple my age that I’m attract­ed to. I just did­n’t like being criticized.

Mendy denies sev­en rapes involv­ing six women, one attempt­ed rape and one sex­u­al assault.

Math­ury, 41, of Eccles, Sal­ford, denies six rapes and three sex­u­al assaults involv­ing sev­en women.

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