Former Patriots Fullback Patrick Pass Arrested for Assaulting Elderly Man

Former Patriots Fullback Patrick Pass Arrested for Assaulting Elderly Man
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For­mer New Eng­land Patri­ots full­back Patrick Pass has found him­self in legal trou­ble after alleged­ly assault­ing an elder­ly man at a Rhode Island gym. 

The inci­dent occurred at a Plan­et Fit­ness in North Prov­i­dence, where Pass report­ed­ly got into a dis­pute with an 82-year-old man over exer­cise equipment.

Pass Faces Felony Charges

Accord­ing to court records, Pass was charged with assault of a per­son over 60 caus­ing bod­i­ly injury, a felony. He was also charged with dis­or­der­ly con­duct, a mis­de­meanor. The vic­tim sus­tained injuries to his back as a result of the incident.

Pass was released on per­son­al recog­ni­zance and was ordered to have no con­tact with the victim.

Pass’s NFL Career and Recent Controversy

Patrick Pass was a key mem­ber of the New Eng­land Patri­ots dur­ing their dynas­tic run in the ear­ly 2000s. He played a cru­cial role in three Super Bowl vic­to­ries, con­tribut­ing to the team’s suc­cess as a fullback.

How­ev­er, Pass’s recent his­to­ry has been marred by con­tro­ver­sy. In 2023, he was indef­i­nite­ly sus­pend­ed by the Indoor Foot­ball League after a brawl involv­ing his team, the Mass­a­chu­setts Pirates.

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