Lionel Messi Rumored to Receive Incredible €221 Million-A-Year Transfer Offer from Saudi Arabia

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Foot­ball fans world­wide are buzzing with rumors that Lionel Mes­si, the leg­endary Argen­tine for­ward, may be offered an incred­i­ble €221 mil­lion-a-year deal to trans­fer to Sau­di Arabia.

Mes­si, 35, will become a free agent this sum­mer if he does­n’t agree to a con­tract exten­sion with Paris Saint-Ger­main. While PSG remains eager to secure a deal with him, Sau­di Ara­bi­an offi­cials are hop­ing to lure him to the Mid­dle East.

The Sau­di Pro League has already attract­ed big-name play­ers like Cris­tiano Ronal­do, who joined Al-Nassr in Decem­ber 2021. Now, Mes­si is rumored to be the next super­star to join the league.

Ear­li­er this week, Mes­si’s father, Jorge, was spot­ted in Riyadh, meet­ing with Pro­fes­sor Abdul­lah Ham­mad, head of the Mahd Sports Acad­e­my and a close asso­ciate of sports min­is­ter Prince Abdu­laz­iz Al-Faisal.

While Mes­si is an ambas­sador for the Sau­di Ara­bia Tourist Board, Mar­ca reports that the Saud­is are also set to pro­pose a €221m-a-year offer to the super­star forward.

His father’s pres­ence in the coun­try has fueled spec­u­la­tion that he may be con­sid­er­ing a move to the Sau­di Pro League, with Al-Nass­r’s rivals Al Hilal being the most like­ly destination.

How­ev­er, Mes­si has sev­er­al oth­er options on the table, includ­ing a pos­si­ble return to Barcelona, where Jorge flew after his trip to Sau­di Ara­bia. David Beck­ham’s MLS club, Inter Mia­mi, has also been linked to the Argen­tine forward.

Despite these links, it’s believed that stay­ing in Euro­pean foot­ball is still the most like­ly out­come for Mes­si. He report­ed­ly wants to con­tin­ue play­ing at the top lev­el of the game for at least one more year.

His stel­lar per­for­mances for Argenti­na at the World Cup have proven that he remains one of the best play­ers in the world, and this sea­son, he has con­tributed 18 goals and 17 assists in 31 games for PSG.

A poten­tial trans­fer to Sau­di Ara­bia would be a sig­nif­i­cant coup for the Sau­di Pro League, which has been invest­ing heav­i­ly in top tal­ent in recent years.

Mes­si, who has won sev­en Bal­lon d’Or awards, is wide­ly regard­ed as one of the great­est foot­ballers of all time. If he were to accept the report­ed offer, it would be a huge boost for Sau­di Ara­bi­an foot­ball and a major mile­stone in the league’s development.

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