Mike Tyson Experiences Medical Scare on Cross-Country Flight

Mike Tyson Experiences Medical Scare on Cross-Country Flight
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Leg­endary box­er Mike Tyson encoun­tered a con­cern­ing med­ical sit­u­a­tion while trav­el­ing on a flight from Mia­mi to Los Ange­les on Sunday.

Accord­ing to reports, Tyson expe­ri­enced nau­sea and dizzi­ness approx­i­mate­ly 30 min­utes before the plane was set to land, prompt­ing the flight crew to call for med­ical assistance.

In a state­ment, Tyson’s rep­re­sen­ta­tives con­firmed the inci­dent, stat­ing that the 57-year-old box­er “became nau­seous and dizzy due to an ulcer flare up.” They added that “Thank­ful­ly Mr. Tyson is doing great” and expressed grat­i­tude to the med­ical staff who respond­ed to the situation.

The ini­tial details were first report­ed by In Touch Week­ly, which described the inci­dent as an “appar­ent med­ical scare.”

Pas­sen­gers on the flight report­ed hear­ing an announce­ment request­ing the assis­tance of any med­ical pro­fes­sion­als on board, and the flight was delayed for around 25 min­utes to allow para­medics to board and eval­u­ate Tyson.

Tyson is sched­uled to make his return to the ring on July 20 when he faces off against Jake Paul in a high­ly antic­i­pat­ed box­ing match. The med­ical inci­dent, while con­cern­ing, does not appear to have had a sig­nif­i­cant impact on Tyson’s prepa­ra­tions for the upcom­ing bout.

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