NBA Star Caught in Steamy Scandal with Porn Star Girlfriend

NBA Star Caught in Steamy Scandal with Porn Star Girlfriend
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Phoenix Suns cen­ter Dean­dre Ayton has found him­self at the cen­ter of a viral con­tro­ver­sy after being caught on video in an inti­mate moment with adult film star Katt Leya. In a Snapchat video that has tak­en the inter­net by storm, Ayton is seen ten­der­ly brush­ing the hair of Leya as the two share laughs and lov­ing gazes.

Leya, who boasts near­ly 1 mil­lion Insta­gram fol­low­ers, lat­er addressed the back­lash on her sto­ry — “Wow now my man can’t brush my hair! You guys are stressed, let me live.” She pro­vid­ed fur­ther proof of their romance by post­ing pho­tos of a cozy din­ner date with Ayton, cap­tur­ing the high-pro­file cou­ple shar­ing a pas­sion­ate kiss over a home cooked meal.

Ayton’s fling with the busty blonde bomb­shell has set the bas­ket­ball world ablaze with scan­dal­ized rumors. As the $133 mil­lion man and star cen­ter for the Phoenix Suns, Ayton’s steamy new rela­tion­ship rais­es some eye­brows. Some fans wor­ry it could be a dis­trac­tion as the team gears up for anoth­er play­off run. Oth­ers say he deserves to have some fun off the court after recent­ly re-sign­ing a mega contract.

The com­par­isons to anoth­er NBA hunk caught in a porn star scan­dal are already fly­ing — fel­low max play­er Zion Williamson of the Pel­i­cans. Last sum­mer, Williamson’s rep­u­ta­tion was rocked after videos and mes­sages sur­faced between him and adult actress Mori­ah Mills, fueled by alle­ga­tions of inti­ma­cy and cash gifts. While Ayton and Leya’s rela­tion­ship seems whole­some so far, some won­der if it will spi­ral into a tabloid sen­sa­tion like Williamson’s noto­ri­ous porn star affair.

On the court, all eyes will be on how Ayton per­forms now that his pri­vate life is play­ing out so pub­licly. With crit­ics already ques­tion­ing if he is worth his huge salary, any slip ups could turn the fans against the cen­ter. But if he focus­es and leads the Suns deep into the post­sea­son again, all may be for­giv­en. One thing is for sure — Ayton has pro­vid­ed plen­ty of off­sea­son dra­ma as his new girl has the NBA talking.

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