Nick Gilbert, son of Cavs owner Dan Gilbert, dies at 26

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Nick Gilbert, the son of Cleve­land Cav­a­liers own­er Dan Gilbert, known to many bas­ket­ball fans as the tal­is­man who rep­re­sent­ed the team in mul­ti­ple NBA draft picks, died Sat­ur­day at the age of 26.

The Detroit News’ Maisha John­son wrote in a funer­al notice from Ira Kauf­man Chapel that “Nick passed away peace­ful­ly at his home sur­round­ed by his family.”

Gilbert was diag­nosed with the genet­ic dis­or­der “neu­rofi­bro­mato­sis” when he was 15 months old, and had under­gone mul­ti­ple chemother­a­py treat­ments, brain surg­eries, and vision loss. The dis­ease “grows non­cancer­ous tumors along nerves, such as in the skin and brain,” John­son said.

CBS Sports’ Sam Quinn report­ed that Gilbert rep­re­sent­ed the team in the 2011 draft lot­tery, where he won the No. 1 pick from the Los Ange­les Clip­pers with a 2.8 per­cent chance of going first. It is point­ed out that there is also a case.

Cleve­land named Kyrie Irv­ing with this nom­i­na­tion, and he took the biggest shot in fran­chise his­to­ry with a Game 7 vic­to­ry over the Gold­en State War­riors in the 2016 NBA Finals.

Gilbert rep­re­sent­ed the team in the 2013 draw, earn­ing the first pick and being used by Antho­ny Bennett.

Gilbert sent two of his trade­mark bow ties to Kobe Alt­man when he rep­re­sent­ed the Cav­a­liers in the 2021 draw. The team end­ed up being the 3rd over­all pick that year and used it in the Evan Mob­ley draft.

Gilbert remains a beloved fig­ure in Cav­a­liers his­to­ry, and John­son not­ed that the Gilbert Fam­i­ly Foun­da­tion has announced that it will pro­vide more than $18 mil­lion in grants in 2022 toward a cure for NF.

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