Former Olympianâs Life Derailed
CanaÂdiÂan athÂlete MeagÂgan PetÂtiÂpÂiece, 48, was once a celÂeÂbratÂed softÂball coach, but her life took an unexÂpectÂed turn after a minor inciÂdent at a WalÂmart self-checkout.
PetÂtiÂpÂiece was arrestÂed on March 28 in IndiÂana for theft, posÂsesÂsion of marÂiÂjuaÂna, and posÂsesÂsion of a conÂtrolled substance.
Forgotten Scans and Unexpected Consequences
The charges stemmed from PetÂtiÂpÂieceâs failÂure to scan a couÂple of items, includÂing asparaÂgus and ham, durÂing a groÂcery haul at a WalÂmart self-checkout.
Though the charges were latÂer dropped, the inciÂdent had devÂasÂtatÂing conÂseÂquences for PetÂtiÂpÂieceâs career and reputation.
A Promising Career Cut Short
PetÂtiÂpÂiece, who played softÂball for CanaÂda at the 2000 SydÂney Games and was an alterÂnate for the 2004 Olympic team, resigned from her posiÂtion as head coach of the NCAA DiviÂsion 1 softÂball team at ValÂparaiso UniÂverÂsiÂty in IndiÂana shortÂly after the incident.
âItâs been five months, a livÂing nightÂmare. I lost my career, I lost my job, the life I was buildÂing and itâs been realÂly difÂfiÂcult,â PetÂtiÂpÂiece told the NationÂal Post.
Justice Delayed, but Not Denied
Despite the iniÂtial charges, PetÂtiÂpÂieceâs lawyer evenÂtuÂalÂly requestÂed a disÂmissal, and the court reviewed her account, proof of her assisÂtanÂtâs preÂscripÂtion, and charÂacÂter refÂerÂence letÂters before reachÂing a deciÂsion to drop the charges on SepÂtemÂber 19.
HowÂevÂer, the damÂage to PetÂtiÂpÂieceâs career and repÂuÂtaÂtion had already been done.
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