Pacers Coach Fuming After Loss, Calls Out Refs for Screwing Over Small Teams

Pacers Coach Fuming After Loss, Calls Out Refs for Screwing Over Small Teams
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#NBAPlay­offs #Pac­er­sKnicks

Pac­ers coach Rick Carlisle went OFF after his team’s tight Game 2 loss to the Knicks, blam­ing the refs for sid­ing with the big-mar­ket boys [NBA Play­offs, Knicks, Pacers]. 

Carlisle got tossed in the 4th quar­ter for argu­ing a call and blast­ed the refs after the game, say­ing the Pac­ers weren’t get­ting a fair shake [eject­ed coach, bad calls].

“We deserve a fair shot! This ain’t it!” Carlisle fumed [refs cheat­ing Pac­ers]. He claims the refs were reward­ing the Knicks’ rough play while call­ing every­thing on the Pac­ers [biased offi­ci­at­ing, small mar­ket team problems].

Carlisle rat­tled off a bunch of plays he thought the refs blew, includ­ing a shove on Pac­ers’ star Tyrese Hal­ibur­ton that they did­n’t call [missed calls, Pac­ers get­ting fouled]. 

He said they had a whole list of bad calls from Game 1 too, but they did­n’t com­plain because they thought the refs would be bet­ter in Game 2 [long list of bad calls, Pac­ers got screwed].

“Small teams deserve a chance to win! It should­n’t mat­ter where we play!” Carlisle shout­ed [equal treat­ment for small teams, NBA fix is in]. There weren’t a ton of free throw dif­fer­ences, but Carlisle felt the Knicks were get­ting away with more phys­i­cal­i­ty [free throw dis­crep­an­cy, Pac­ers get­ting mauled].

Hal­ibur­ton admit­ted the refs weren’t great, but said the Pac­ers got­ta focus on play­ing bet­ter, not blam­ing the refs [own up to mis­takes, Pac­ers need to step up]. 

Still, Carlisle plans to send a giant com­plaint to the NBA about the offi­ci­at­ing, hop­ing they’ll give the Pac­ers a fair shot in the rest of the series [Carlisle fight­ing for his team, Pac­ers vs the league].

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