Saints Star Jimmy Graham Hit with Shocking Arrest Amid NFL Comeback Bid

Saints Star Jimmy Graham Hit with Shocking Arrest Amid NFL Comeback Bid_Jimmy Graham
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In a stun­ning devel­op­ment that threat­ens to derail his NFL come­back efforts, New Orleans Saints tight end Jim­my Gra­ham found him­self on the oth­er side of the law Fri­day night. 

Accord­ing to reports, police respond­ed to calls of an errat­i­cal­ly behav­ing per­son and claims they wit­nessed the 36-year-old wan­der­ing amongst traf­fic. What’s more, author­i­ties allege Gra­ham resist­ed arrest, result­ing in charges of pub­lic intox­i­ca­tion and obstruct­ing officers.

Details sur­round­ing the inci­dent remain scarce, how­ev­er the tim­ing could not be much worse for the five-time Pro Bowler. Hav­ing just signed a one-year deal to return to New Orleans, Gra­ham spent the week prac­tic­ing with his for­mer quar­ter­back Drew Brees in joint Charg­ers ses­sions. As the Saints pre­pare to face Los Ange­les in Sun­day’s pre­sea­son clash, the vet­er­an pass-catch­er now finds his NFL future in jeopardy.

With a dec­o­rat­ed 12-year career that includes stops with the Sea­hawks, Pack­ers and Bears, Gra­ham had hoped to write a sto­ry­book end­ing back with the Saints. How­ev­er, one ques­tion­able deci­sion and an alleged dust-up with police may have abrupt­ly cut that quest short. Both the team and league remain mum amid the unfold­ing investigation.

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