Scottie Scheffler Cleared of Charges Following PGA Championship Arrest

Scottie Scheffler Cleared of Charges Following PGA Championship Arrest
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World No. 1 golfer Scot­tie Schef­fler has been cleared of all charges stem­ming from his arrest out­side the PGA Cham­pi­onship in May.

Pros­e­cu­tors in Jef­fer­son Coun­ty, Ken­tucky, announced they would not pur­sue the case after new evi­dence cor­rob­o­rat­ed Schef­fler’s account of a misunderstanding.

Ear­li­er footage shows Schef­fler explain­ing his ver­sion of events to a police offi­cer while in cus­tody. He claims he was unaware the per­son who stopped him was an offi­cer and pan­icked after being struck with a flashlight.

Louisville Metro Police Chief Jacque­lyn Gwinn-Vil­laroel pre­vi­ous­ly stat­ed they would respect the legal process. Schef­fler faced seri­ous charges, includ­ing felony assault on a police officer.

For­tu­nate­ly, Schef­fler was released in time for his sec­ond-round tee time at the PGA Cham­pi­onship. The two-time Mas­ters cham­pi­on con­sis­tent­ly main­tained his inno­cence, with his lawyer pre­pared to plead not guilty.

With this legal hur­dle behind him, Schef­fler can refo­cus on his golf­ing career. He fin­ished the PGA Cham­pi­onship eight strokes behind win­ner Xan­der Schauf­fele after the dra­mat­ic arrest incident.

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