Athletes complain about the quality of food at the Olympic Games.

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An Olympic ath­lete at the 2022 Games in Bei­jing said the food she received dur­ing her quar­an­tine peri­od was so bad that she was in phys­i­cal pain and cry­ing every day.

Russ­ian biath­lete Vale­ria Vas­netso­va made the claims on her Insta­gram page ear­li­er this month… attach­ing a pho­to of unap­peal­ing food she says she received while in COVID-19 iso­la­tion at a local hotel .

The pho­to appears to show a plate of plain pas­ta, some meat, some pota­toes and a sauce…none of which look incred­i­bly appetizing.

In her com­ment on the photo…Vasnetsova dis­missed the food as ined­i­ble and claimed the meal was what she had been get­ting for “break­fast, lunch and din­ner for five days already.”

“I have a stom­ach ache,” Vas­netso­va said. “I’m very pale and have huge dark cir­cles around my eyes. I want this all to end. I cry every day. I’m very tired.”

Vas­netso­va added that the lack of nutri­tion in the food caused her to lose weight… say­ing, “my bones are stick­ing out already.”

Accord­ing to the Asso­ci­at­ed Press, things have improved for Vas­netso­va fol­low­ing her com­plaints… the out­let report­ed that Russ­ian biathlon team spokesman Sergei Averyanov said Vas­netso­va was get­ting bet­ter meals this week­end , includ­ing salmon and cucumbers.

Vas­netso­va is far from the only ath­lete to com­plain about quar­an­tine con­di­tions at the Games…there have been sev­er­al oth­ers from coun­tries around the world who have com­plained about liv­ing conditions.

The Games offi­cial­ly start­ed on Feb­ru­ary 4 and are sched­uled to run until Feb­ru­ary 20.

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