SPORT: Novak Djokovic will not be sent off but will play the Australian Open.

TOPSHOT - Serbia's Novak Djokovic celebrates after winning against Russia's Daniil Medvedev during their men's singles final match on day fourteen of the Australian Open tennis tournament in Melbourne on February 21, 2021. (Photo by David Gray / AFP) / -- IMAGE RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - STRICTLY NO COMMERCIAL USE --
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Judge Antho­ny Kel­ly ruled that Djokovic’s visa can­cel­la­tion order was “quashed” immediately.

The gov­ern­ment will also pay the ten­nis star’s legal costs.

The Serb expe­ri­enced a night­mare upon arriv­ing in Aus­tralia, after see­ing his visa dra­mat­i­cal­ly reject­ed by bor­der con­trol at Mel­bourne air­port, despite being cleared to play in the first Grand Slam of the year thanks to a med­ical exemption.

His med­ical exemp­tion was greet­ed with a huge back­lash in the ten­nis com­mu­ni­ty after refus­ing to share his vac­ci­na­tion sta­tus, hint­ing that he had not been com­plete­ly stung, which was a war­rant to com­pete in Mel­bourne at the Aus­tralian Open.

But as soon as he start­ed dream­ing of a record-break­ing 21st Grand Slam title, it quick­ly turned into an ordeal of hor­ror for the Ser­bian after being denied entry to Mel­bourne after bor­der offi­cials ques­tioned him for sev­er­al hours.

He has since been held in quar­an­tine at the Park Hotel in Mel­bourne, which has long been known as a poor immi­gra­tion hotel.

Djokovic’s legal team man­aged to delay the process of his depor­ta­tion to Ser­bia, with an appeal hear­ing being held in Mel­bourne on Mon­day at 10 a.m. (11 p.m. UK time).

An offer by the Aus­tralian gov­ern­ment to post­pone the case until Wednes­day was reject­ed, but a court order from Judge Andrew Kel­ly said the hear­ing would pro­ceed as scheduled.

Djokovic had faced a very anx­ious wait for the out­come of the hear­ing, but should now begin his preparations.

Despite this, gov­ern­ment lawyer Chris Tran said Aus­trali­a’s Immi­gra­tion Min­is­ter may con­sid­er revok­ing Djokovic’s visa again.

Under Aus­tralian Immi­gra­tion Law, the Min­is­ter has excep­tion­al pow­ers and dis­cre­tion to can­cel visas for any rea­son, but no grounds under which Djokovic’s visa could again be can­celed. ‘has been detailed.

The visa saga has gripped the sports world in recent days, with protests tak­ing place out­side his quar­an­tine hotel — both for and against the world num­ber 1 — while Djokovic’s par­ents and the Ser­bian min­istry of For­eign Affairs did not hes­i­tate on this sub­ject either.

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