Steph Curry’s Family Embroiled in Tense Paris Police Incident

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Ayesha Cur­ry, the wife of Gold­en State War­riors star and Team USA Olympics hero Steph Cur­ry, was report­ed­ly seen tear­ing up fol­low­ing a tense encounter with French police in Paris on Sat­ur­day. The inci­dent occurred as Cur­ry’s fam­i­ly, includ­ing his moth­er Sonya and team­mate Dray­mond Green, were attempt­ing to return to their car after the gold medal bas­ket­ball game.

Dispute Over Street Crossing Leads to Confrontation

In a video post­ed online, Sonya Cur­ry is heard telling the offi­cers that they “won’t let the dri­ver come here, and they won’t let us go back over there” where the fam­i­ly had come from. At one point, Green accused the offi­cers of alleged­ly hit­ting the fam­i­ly’s baby. The rea­son for the police pres­ence and the dis­pute over cross­ing the street remains unclear.

The video cap­tured the back-and-forth between Cur­ry’s fam­i­ly and the police, which last­ed for near­ly three min­utes before the record­ing end­ed. How­ev­er, the full dura­tion of the con­fronta­tion is unknown.

Curry Leads Team USA to Olympic Gold

The inci­dent occurred just hours after Steph Cur­ry led Team USA to a gold medal vic­to­ry over France in the men’s bas­ket­ball final. Cur­ry scored 24 points, includ­ing four 3‑pointers in the final min­utes, to help the Amer­i­cans defeat the host nation 98–87.

Head coach Steve Kerr praised Cur­ry’s per­for­mance, stat­ing that “it’s a glob­al game with a lot of great play­ers, but we still feel we have the great­est players.” 

Kerr also acknowl­edged the immense pres­sure and expec­ta­tions the team faces, say­ing “we might be the only team in the world whose fans are ashamed of them if they get a sil­ver medal.”

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