Tom Brady’s Broadcasting Debut Receives Harsh Criticism from NFL Fans

Tom Brady's Broadcasting Debut Receives Harsh Criticism from NFL Fans
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Tom Brady’s long-await­ed for­ay into NFL broad­cast­ing did not get off to a smooth start, as the sev­en-time Super Bowl cham­pi­on was imme­di­ate­ly slammed by fans for his per­for­mance in the booth.

The 47-year-old for­mer quar­ter­back began his 10-year, $375 mil­lion con­tract as Fox Sports’ lead NFL ana­lyst on Sun­day, but many view­ers were left unim­pressed with­in min­utes of his debut. 

Social media users flood­ed X, for­mer­ly known as Twit­ter, brand­ing Brady’s analy­sis as “atro­cious” and “bor­ing.”

One user mocked, “Tom Brady ain’t stut­tered this much since he told Gise­le he got one more year in him,” refer­ring to the quar­ter­back­’s brief un-retire­ment ear­li­er this year. Anoth­er scathing­ly post­ed, “Maybe some­one should have lis­tened to Tom Brady actu­al­ly say words before drop­ping $300 mil­lion on him.”

Fans were quick to com­pare Brady’s per­for­mance unfa­vor­ably to that of the ana­lyst he replaced, Greg Olsen. “Damn greg olsen way bet­ter than tom brady in the booth,” one claimed, while anoth­er added, “I’ve heard enough of Tom Brady, jus­tice for Greg Olsen.”

The crit­i­cism con­tin­ued to pour in, with one user sug­gest­ing, “Tom Brady needs to be hel­la inter­est­ing to lis­ten to, because his speak­ing voice isn’t super pleas­ant to lis­ten to And so far, he is not.”

Anoth­er quipped, “Tom Brady just said it’s hard to make 10, but real­ly hard to make 20 yards. That’s what $375 mil­lion worth of analy­sis gets you folks.”

Through­out his illus­tri­ous play­ing career, Brady estab­lished him­self as one of the great­est quar­ter­backs of all time, win­ning a record sev­en Super Bowl titles. How­ev­er, his tal­ents did not seem to trans­late to the broad­cast booth, much to the dis­may of his new employ­ers at Fox.

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