Tragic Shooting Claims Life of Rising Boxer Mylik Birdsong

Tragic Shooting Claims Life of Rising Boxer Mylik Birdsong
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Shocking Incident in Los Angeles

Tragedy has struck the box­ing com­mu­ni­ty as Mylik Bird­song, a 31-year-old pro­fes­sion­al box­er, was shot and killed in Los Ange­les. The inci­dent occurred as Bird­song was stand­ing out­side his res­i­dence, when a “dark-col­ored SUV drove by and shot at the victim.”

Desperate Attempt to Escape

Bird­song tried to run to the safe­ty of his home, but was chased by the gun­men and shot mul­ti­ple times in the tor­so. He was pro­nounced dead at a near­by hos­pi­tal, leav­ing the box­ing world in mourning.

Promising Career Cut Short

Bird­song, a wel­ter­weight box­er, had an impres­sive 15–1‑1 record with 10 knock­outs. He was sched­uled to face Armen­ian fight­er Gor Yer­it­syan on Octo­ber 26 at the Com­merce Casi­no in Los Ange­les, a bout that will now nev­er take place.

Police Investigation Underway

Author­i­ties are cur­rent­ly search­ing for the uniden­ti­fied sus­pects who fled the scene in the dark SUV after the shoot­ing. The trag­ic inci­dent has left the com­mu­ni­ty dev­as­tat­ed, as Bird­song’s promis­ing career and life were cut short by this sense­less act of violence.

The box­ing world has lost a ris­ing tal­ent, and Mylik Bird­song’s fam­i­ly and friends are left to grap­ple with this heart­break­ing loss. The inves­ti­ga­tion into his mur­der remains ongo­ing as the search for his killers continues.

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