Tyreek Hill Detained Over Driving Violation Before Dolphins Game

Tyreek Hill Detained Over Driving Violation Before Dolphins Game
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Tyreek Hill, the star wide receiv­er for the Mia­mi Dol­phins, was detained by police on Sun­day morn­ing while enter­ing the team’s sta­di­um for their NFL Week 1 open­er against the Jack­sonville Jaguars. 

The inci­dent was due to a dri­ving vio­la­tion, accord­ing to Hill’s agent, Drew Rosenhaus.

Incident Details

Video footage appears to show Hill lying flat on his stom­ach out­side his car, being hand­cuffed by police. Rosen­haus report­ed that Hill was cit­ed for reck­less dri­ving and got into a ver­bal alter­ca­tion with the offi­cers after being pulled over. How­ev­er, he was released after being cited.

Dolphins’ Statement

The Dol­phins issued a state­ment regard­ing the inci­dent, say­ing, “This morn­ing, WR Tyreek Hill was pulled over for a traf­fic inci­dent about one block from the sta­di­um and briefly detained by police. 

He has since been released. Sev­er­al team­mates saw the inci­dent and stopped to offer sup­port. Tyreek and all oth­er play­ers involved have safe­ly arrived to the sta­di­um and will be avail­able for today’s game.”

Agent’s Reaction

Rosen­haus expressed his frus­tra­tion with the sit­u­a­tion, call­ing it “very upset­ting” and “unnec­es­sary.” He said that Hill felt things “got way out of hand” and they would be talk­ing to legal rep­re­sen­ta­tion about the matter.

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