Dalilah SapÂpenÂfield, a promiÂnent US Olympic pairs figÂure skatÂing coach, has been banned for life by the US CenÂter for SafeÂSÂport after a two-and-a-half-year invesÂtiÂgaÂtion into alleÂgaÂtions of misconduct.
The lifeÂtime ban comes after SafeÂSÂport found SapÂpenÂfield culÂpaÂble of physÂiÂcal and emoÂtionÂal misÂconÂduct, retalÂiÂaÂtion, abuse of process, and failÂure to report a potenÂtial SafeÂSÂport vioÂlaÂtion. SapÂpenÂfield was preÂviÂousÂly temÂporarÂiÂly barred from coachÂing durÂing the investigation.
The alleÂgaÂtions include verÂbal abuse that led one of SapÂpenÂfieldÂâs forÂmer skaters, 2016 US pairs chamÂpiÂon Tarah Kayne, to cut her own wrist with a razor blade in 2019. Kayne reportÂed that SapÂpenÂfield conÂstantÂly spoke inapÂproÂpriÂateÂly about sex and made fun of Kayneâs menÂtal health struggles.
There were also alleÂgaÂtions of SapÂpenÂfield housÂing a 16-year-old female RussÂian pairs skater at her ColÂorado Springs home in 2020, which vioÂlates SafeÂSÂport rules proÂhibitÂing coachÂes from housÂing minor athletes.
SafeÂSÂport CEO JuâRiese Colon statÂed that the lifeÂtime ban repÂreÂsents progress in âcreÂatÂing long-term culÂture changeâ in the sport, holdÂing those who engage in âtoxÂic tacÂticsâ accountÂable. The deciÂsion underÂscores the orgaÂniÂzaÂtionâs comÂmitÂment to fosÂterÂing safe enviÂronÂments for athletes.
SapÂpenÂfield has the right to appeal the lifeÂtime ban, but the rulÂing sends a strong mesÂsage about the need for accountÂabilÂiÂty and proÂtectÂing athÂletes from abuÂsive coachÂing pracÂtices in figÂure skatÂing and othÂer sports.
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