West Virginia State Linebacker Murdered in Home Invasion
Jyilek Zyiare HarÂringÂton, a 21-year-old lineÂbacker for the DiviÂsion II West VirÂginia State UniÂverÂsiÂty footÂball team, was fatalÂly shot durÂing what authorÂiÂties are invesÂtiÂgatÂing as a home invaÂsion inciÂdent in Charleston, West Virginia.
Details of the Tragic Incident
AccordÂing to police, mulÂtiÂple gunÂshots were fired durÂing a disÂturÂbance in a hallÂway and inside the apartÂment where HarÂringÂtonâs body was found.
The senior stuÂdent-athÂlete was proÂnounced dead at the scene, havÂing sufÂfered mulÂtiÂple gunÂshot wounds.
Tributes from the University and Opposing Team
In the wake of this devÂasÂtatÂing loss, West VirÂginia State UniÂverÂsiÂty presÂiÂdent Ericke S. Cage and vice presÂiÂdent of interÂcolÂleÂgiate athÂletÂics Nate BurÂton expressed their conÂdoÂlences and praised HarÂringÂton as an âincredÂiÂble young manâ who âembodÂied what it means to be a student-athlete.â
Harringtonâs Charitable Work and Community Impact
The uniÂverÂsiÂty highÂlightÂed HarÂringÂtonâs leadÂerÂship on camÂpus and in the comÂmuÂniÂty, notÂing that he would creÂate GoFundMe camÂpaigns durÂing the ChristÂmas seaÂson to help less forÂtuÂnate families.
The athÂletÂic departÂment has estabÂlished a fund in his memÂoÂry to conÂtinÂue his charÂiÂtaÂble endeavors.
Rescheduled Game and Planned Vigil
In response to the tragedy, West VirÂginia Stateâs home openÂer against CarÂson-NewÂman, origÂiÂnalÂly schedÂuled for ThursÂday, has been reschedÂuled to Friday.
A priÂvate vigÂil involvÂing both teams is also planned for ThursÂday evening as the camÂpus comÂmuÂniÂty gathÂers to mourn HarÂringÂtonâs passing.
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