TesÂla CEO Elon Musk has reportÂedÂly disÂmissed two senior execÂuÂtives and plans to lay off hunÂdreds more employÂees, includÂing the entire SuperÂchargÂer team, accordÂing to leaked emails obtained by The Information.
This marks the latÂest in a series of workÂforce reducÂtions at the elecÂtric vehiÂcle company.
The execÂuÂtives leavÂing the comÂpaÂny are RebecÂca TinÂucÂci, senior direcÂtor of TesÂlaâs SuperÂchargÂer busiÂness, and Daniel Ho, direcÂtor of vehiÂcle proÂgrams and new prodÂuct initiatives.
TinÂucÂci had been instruÂmenÂtal in expandÂing TesÂlaâs SuperÂchargÂer netÂwork durÂing her six-year tenure, includÂing advoÂcatÂing for the adopÂtion of the North AmerÂiÂcan ChargÂing StanÂdard (NACS) by othÂer companies.
Despite the cuts to the SuperÂchargÂer team, Musk emphaÂsized in his email that TesÂla remains comÂmitÂted to buildÂing new SuperÂchargÂers and comÂpletÂing those already under construction.
This move comes as the comÂpaÂny faces increasÂing comÂpeÂtiÂtion in the elecÂtric vehiÂcle marÂket and mountÂing presÂsure to achieve profitability.
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