Googleâs Monopolistic Practices Exposed
In a hisÂtoric rulÂing, a fedÂerÂal judge has deterÂmined that Google vioÂlatÂed fedÂerÂal antitrust laws by buildÂing a domÂiÂnant posiÂtion in the online search and adverÂtisÂing marÂkets through antiÂcomÂpetÂiÂtive practices.
The deciÂsion marks a sigÂnifÂiÂcant vicÂtoÂry for the JusÂtice DepartÂment, which argued that Googleâs lucraÂtive default search engine deals with tech giants like Apple, SamÂsung, and AT&T were excluÂsionÂary and stiÂfled competition.
Damning Verdict Against Google
Judge Amit Mehta sided with the DOJ, conÂcludÂing that âGoogle is a monopÂoÂlist, and it has actÂed as one to mainÂtain its monopoly.â
The judge found that Googleâs default search engine deals were âexcluÂsive and have antiÂcomÂpetÂiÂtive effects,â allowÂing the tech titan to mainÂtain its domÂiÂnant 90% marÂket share and dwarfÂing rival search engines like Microsoft and DuckDuckGo.
Potential Fallout and Implications
This landÂmark rulÂing could have wide-rangÂing conÂseÂquences for Googleâs busiÂness modÂel, which genÂerÂates over $300 bilÂlion in annuÂal revÂenue from its digÂiÂtal adverÂtisÂing operations.
A sepÂaÂrate triÂal will deterÂmine the approÂpriÂate remeÂdies, with experts sugÂgestÂing the court may force Google to stop its default search deals.
A Victory for Antitrust Enforcement
AttorÂney GenÂerÂal MerÂrick GarÂland hailed the deciÂsion as a âhisÂtoric win for the AmerÂiÂcan peoÂple,â sigÂnalÂing the DOJâs comÂmitÂment to vigÂorÂousÂly enforcÂing antitrust laws against tech giants.
The rulÂing is also a rare sucÂcess for the govÂernÂment in a SecÂtion 2 antitrust case, which are notoÂriÂousÂly difÂfiÂcult to win.
Googleâs Response and Ongoing Battles
Despite the damnÂing verÂdict, Google plans to appeal the ruling.
The comÂpaÂnyâs presÂiÂdent of globÂal affairs, Kent WalkÂer, argued that the deciÂsion âshouldÂnât be allowed to make [Googleâs search engine] easÂiÂly available.â
Google also faces othÂer antitrust chalÂlenges, includÂing a sepÂaÂrate DOJ case over its online adverÂtisÂing technology.
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