“New iOS 18 Update Draining iPhone Batteries: Solutions Revealed”

"New iOS 18 Update Draining iPhone Batteries: Solutions Revealed"
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iOS 18 Battery Drain Issues: What to Do?

Apple’s lat­est iOS 18 update has been caus­ing frus­tra­tion among iPhone users, with many com­plain­ing that the new soft­ware is “killing” their device’s bat­tery life. This is a com­mon issue that aris­es with major iOS updates, but there are steps users can take to mit­i­gate the problem.

Potential Causes of iOS 18 Battery Drain

Accord­ing to ZDNet researcher Adri­an Kings­ley-Hugh­es, the bat­tery drain is like­ly due to the back­ground process­es involved in the update:

“Installing a new OS on an iPhone trig­gers a lot of stuff to go on in the back­ground, from index­ing to recal­i­brat­ing the bat­tery, and this can go on for hours or even days. Not only does this con­sume pow­er, but the bat­tery recal­i­bra­tion can give the impres­sion that the bat­tery is drain­ing more rapid­ly when in fact it isn’t.”

Tips to Improve iOS 18 Battery Life

Users can try the fol­low­ing solu­tions to improve their iPhone’s bat­tery per­for­mance after the iOS 18 update:

  1. Reboot the device
  2. Update all apps to the lat­est versions
  3. Reduce screen brightness
  4. Reset net­work settings
  5. Enable “Dark Mode”
  6. Turn off Wi-Fi Assist

If the bat­tery life con­tin­ues to be a con­cern, users can also check the device’s bat­tery health in the Set­tings app and con­sid­er a bat­tery replace­ment if necessary.

Embracing the New iOS 18 Features

Despite the ini­tial bat­tery woes, the iOS 18 update brings sev­er­al new and improved fea­tures that iPhone users can look for­ward to, including:

  • More cus­tomiza­tion options for the home screen
  • Revamped Pho­tos app with new col­lec­tion options
  • Enhanced Mail app for bet­ter inbox organization
  • Improved Safari brows­ing expe­ri­ence with ad and pop-up blocking

While the bat­tery life issues may be frus­trat­ing, it’s impor­tant to remem­ber that these prob­lems often resolve them­selves over time as the device adapts to the new soft­ware. With a few sim­ple trou­bleshoot­ing steps, users can get their iPhones back to opti­mal performance.

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