TECH: Google Workspace personal plan storage from 15GB to 1TB

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Google has announced some good news for users of its Work­space indi­vid­ual plan.

Free­lancers, entre­pre­neurs and oth­ers who use the ser­vice will soon be get­ting a sig­nif­i­cant stor­age upgrade from 15GB to 1TB at no addi­tion­al cost.

For many indi­vid­ual Work­space users, they will nev­er have to wor­ry about run­ning out of stor­age space in Gmail or Drive.

Until now, Google has only offered indi­vid­ual Work­space users the same amount of stor­age that a free Gmail account would give.

To increase that capac­i­ty, I had to buy more stor­age on Google One. Google says it will auto­mat­i­cal­ly upgrade your stor­age so you don’t have to do anything.

On the oth­er hand, those who email mul­ti­ple peo­ple in mul­ti-send mode have more options.

You will be able to per­son­al­ize these email sends using email merge tags (such as @name).

This can be use­ful even if your Work­space per­son­al plan does­n’t yet sup­port per­son­al email addresses.

In addi­tion, Google will offer Work­space Indi­vid­ual plans to the Philip­pines, Viet­nam, Indone­sia, Malaysia, Tai­wan, Thai­land, Nether­lands, Por­tu­gal, Bel­gium, Fin­land, Greece, and Argentina.

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