It is in the AmerÂiÂcan state of Ohio that Intel will set up its future state-of-the-art semiÂconÂducÂtor proÂducÂtion plant. A first installÂment that will cost a triÂfle of 20 bilÂlion dolÂlarsâŠ
Itâs offiÂcial: after rumors menÂtionÂing New York and Ohio, it was finalÂly this last AmerÂiÂcan state that was choÂsen by Intel for the impleÂmenÂtaÂtion of the first two slices of its future gigafab of semiÂconÂducÂtors. A huge project and a huge check: 20 bilÂlion dolÂlars or 17.5 bilÂlion euros.
When we talk about âfirst installÂmentâ, it is because if the first step conÂsists in installing at least two fabs (the facÂtoÂries which proÂduce the famous wafers on which overÂpriced machines âburnâ the procesÂsors) in addiÂtion to a unit of packÂagÂing (assemÂbly of chips), Intel posed an option of enlargeÂment. A great option: Intel could douÂble the surÂface used and impleÂment 4 to 6 addiÂtionÂal fabs.
With between 6 and 8 fabs, the site would become a âgigafabâ. PopÂuÂlarÂized by the TaiÂwanese TSMC, world chamÂpiÂon in chip proÂducÂtion, a gigafab is a site proÂducÂing more than 100,000 wafers (silÂiÂcon wafers) per month, each of these wafers comÂprisÂing sevÂerÂal hunÂdred chips. VolÂumes that seem crazy, but which stick to the equalÂly crazy needs of indusÂtries. For Apple iPhones alone, TSMC proÂduces more than 200 milÂlion chips a yearâŠ
âWe hope (that this site, ediÂtorâs note) will become the most imporÂtant place of proÂducÂtion of semiÂconÂducÂtors on the planÂetâ, even promised the CEO of Intel, Par Gelsinger, less than a year after takÂing the reins of the comÂpaÂny. âbusiÂness. The choÂsen site in Ohio is in New Albany and although conÂstrucÂtion will begin this year, it is only from 2025 that the first chips will come out of the proÂducÂtion lines.
It was to respond to the douÂble probÂlem of a shortÂage of semiÂconÂducÂtors and the loss of US sovÂerÂeignÂty in their proÂducÂtion that Pat Gelsinger launched his chip proÂducÂtion stratÂeÂgy called âIDM2.0â last year. A plan which aims to open the facÂtoÂries of Intel â which until now proÂduced only for itself â in order to posiÂtion itself as a comÂpetiÂtor to TSMC. ComÂpetiÂtor or alterÂnaÂtive: while Intel itself uses the serÂvices of TMSC for the burnÂing of cerÂtain bricks (GPUs, cerÂtain Cores, etc.), the AmerÂiÂcan wants above all to offer its cusÂtomers, in parÂticÂuÂlar AmerÂiÂcans, a sovÂerÂeign secÂtor and/ or alterÂnaÂtive in case of probÂlem. EspeÂcialÂly in the event of a ChiÂnese offenÂsive on the terÂriÂtoÂry of TaiÂwan, where TSMÂCâs state-of-the-art facÂtoÂries are located.
This is not the only proÂducÂtion site in which Intel is investÂing: the AmerÂiÂcan giant is extendÂing its proÂducÂtion capacÂiÂties to most of its sites â Israel, New MexÂiÂco (USA), AriÂzona (USA) â and preparÂing the conÂstrucÂtion of a fab in GerÂmany, and r&d cenÂters in France and Italy. Tens of bilÂlions of dolÂlars, with the statÂed goal of becomÂing the âWestÂern chamÂpiÂonâ of semiÂconÂducÂtor production.
If some anaÂlysts, while emphaÂsizÂing the exploÂsion of curÂrent and future chip proÂducÂtion needs, emit the posÂsiÂbilÂiÂty of a risk of findÂing themÂselves in a sitÂuÂaÂtion of overÂcaÂpacÂiÂty, Intelâs investÂments have insurÂance valÂue for WestÂern governments. .
In the event of a loss of staÂbilÂiÂty in Asian proÂducÂtion, AmerÂiÂcan and EuroÂpean comÂpaÂnies would know where to turn. In an increasÂingÂly polarÂized world, where ChiÂna and the UnitÂed States clash more and more frontalÂly, Intelâs approach could facilÂiÂtate its access to finanÂcial aid from the states.
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