RivÂian has notiÂfied cusÂtomers of a recall of nearÂly 13,000 of its elecÂtric trucks and SUVs for a probÂlem that could cause the driÂver to lose conÂtrol and conÂtrol of the vehicle.
The comÂpaÂny announced the recall folÂlowÂing sevÂen reports that the bolt that conÂnects the steerÂing kingÂpin to the vehiÂcleâs upper conÂtrol arm âmay not be tight enough,â accordÂing to Bloomberg and The Wall Street Journal.
In a letÂter sent to cusÂtomers, Chief ExecÂuÂtive RJ Scaringe said the recall was âout of cauÂtionâ despite the low numÂber of defects reported.
He also said that âon rare occaÂsionsâ fasÂtenÂers could come loose, resultÂing in loss of steerÂing conÂtrol, but no injuries have been reportÂed relatÂed to the issue.
RivÂian curÂrentÂly makes two modÂels, the R1T truck and the R1S SUV, but its facÂtoÂry in NorÂmal, IlliÂnois, also makes elecÂtric delivÂery trucks for minorÂiÂty shareÂholdÂer Amazon.
Like many playÂers in the autoÂmoÂtive and high-tech indusÂtries, globÂal supÂply chain issues over the past two years have impactÂed the comÂpaÂnyâs proÂducÂtion capacity.
EarÂliÂer this year, it attemptÂed to raise the price of the R1T pickÂup by $12,000, citÂing inflaÂtion and parts shortÂages, but quickÂly backed out after cusÂtomer backlash.
In July 2022, the comÂpaÂny announced that proÂducÂtion in the secÂond quarÂter had nearÂly douÂbled from the first quarÂter to 4,401 units.
This is a fracÂtion of the proÂducÂtion volÂume of othÂer automakÂers. TesÂla, for examÂple, proÂduced 258,580 elecÂtric vehiÂcles durÂing the same periÂod, and is a posÂiÂtive step towards achievÂing its goal of proÂducÂing 25,000 by 2022.
This recall will not preÂvent us from achievÂing this goal, and we expect to be able to review all affectÂed vehiÂcles withÂin 30 days. At RivÂian, we told our cusÂtomers that they could bring their car to a serÂvice cenÂter and have it zipped up in minutes.
It is also posÂsiÂble to disÂpatch a mobile repair vehiÂcle. Those with potenÂtialÂly probÂlemÂatÂic sympÂtoms such as noise and vibraÂtion may conÂsidÂer this option.
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