TECH: TikTok is launching home food delivery.

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The giant Tik­Tok is expand­ing its empire a lit­tle fur­ther by launch­ing its own restau­rant and meal deliv­ery ser­vice in the Unit­ed States, a coun­try where the prac­tice is king.

The social plat­form for shar­ing short videos wants to diver­si­fy, and here it is now in the gigan­tic restau­rant mar­ket. Tik­Tok announced on Decem­ber 17 that it had entered into a part­ner­ship with Vir­tu­al Din­ing Con­cepts, a com­pa­ny that helps bring its home meal deliv­ery ser­vice online. The social net­work is prepar­ing to launch its own dish­es across the Unit­ed States with a ded­i­cat­ed deliv­ery ser­vice, bas­ing them on the plat­for­m’s viral videos.

It is a real tidal wave which is about to sweep over the land of Uncle Sam. Tik­Tok is indeed prepar­ing to launch its meal deliv­ery ser­vice in some 300 cities across the Unit­ed States. here the month of March — a num­ber that could reach a thou­sand by the end of the year 2022.

The prin­ci­ple of Tik­Tok Kitchen is to offer Amer­i­cans a menu of the same name, the con­tent of which will vary depend­ing on the food trends of the video shar­ing plat­form. Baked feta pas­ta should be there, as should the smash burg­er and pas­ta crisps. The menu should change reg­u­lar­ly, to always keep up with the big trends of the many Tik­Tok users. How­ev­er, menu items could be offered on a peren­ni­al basis, such as the famous feta pas­ta men­tioned above.

It is dif­fi­cult at this time to know what Tik­Tok’s quan­ti­fied tar­gets are or how the offer­ing will be har­mo­nized, but the com­pa­ny could return part of the prof­its of the ser­vice to the cre­ators of the recipes who are among the users of the platform.

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