Caroline Manzo Details Sexual Assault Allegations Against Brandi Glanville In New Court Filing

Caroline Manzo Details Sexual Assault Allegations Against Brandi Glanville In New Court Filing
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Car­o­line Man­zo, a for­mer star of The Real House­wives of New Jer­sey, has pro­vid­ed a detailed account of the alleged sex­u­al assault she expe­ri­enced from her Real House­wives co-star Bran­di Glanville.

In a signed affi­davit filed on May 28, Man­zo claims the for­mer Real House­wives of Bev­er­ly Hills star “forcibly fon­dled” her vagi­na while they were film­ing the Bra­vo spin­off series Real House­wives Ulti­mate Girls Trip in Morocco.

Accord­ing to the legal doc­u­ments obtained by Page Six, Man­zo alleges that while they were film­ing, Glanville “was rub­bing her vagi­na on me” and the pro­duc­ers “just watched and kept film­ing” despite see­ing that Man­zo was in distress. 

Man­zo claims Glanville then “locked me in the bath­room where she forcibly fon­dled my vagi­na against my will.”

In the affi­davit, Man­zo states that “Glanville mali­cious­ly sex­u­al­ly assault­ed me for her own sex­u­al grat­i­fi­ca­tion. She did this by forcibly kiss­ing me, rub­bing her vagi­na on me and then fondling my vagi­na against my will.”

Glanville’s legal team has respond­ed by accus­ing Bra­vo, NBC, and the pro­duc­tion com­pa­nies of “hid­ing evi­dence” that would clear Glanville’s name. They claim there is “no truth to any alle­ga­tions of impro­pri­ety” and allege that Man­zo is “feed­ing a defam­a­to­ry nar­ra­tive” to the media.

This is not the first time Bra­vo has faced legal issues relat­ed to alle­ga­tions of sex­u­al mis­con­duct on their real­i­ty shows. Last year, a but­ler who appeared on Real House­wives: Ulti­mate Girls Trip filed a law­suit for sex­u­al assault and harass­ment, and Leah McSweeney has also filed a dis­crim­i­na­tion com­plaint against the network.

The grow­ing num­ber of law­suits and alle­ga­tions against Bra­vo high­light the need for greater account­abil­i­ty and pro­tec­tion for real­i­ty TV par­tic­i­pants. As the details of Man­zo’s dis­turb­ing claims emerge, the spot­light remains firm­ly on the net­work’s han­dling of these seri­ous allegations.

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