Cheryl Burke Reveals How Money Messes with Love!

Cheryl Burke Reveals How Money Messes with Love!
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Hold up, dance fans! Cheryl Burke just dropped a truth bomb about her split from Matthew Lawrence, and it’s all about the Ben­jamins. (That’s $$$ for you newbies!)

Turns out, their dif­fer­ent pay­checks caused prob­lems in par­adise. While Cheryl was slay­ing it on Danc­ing With the Stars (remem­ber, she’s a pro!), Matthew was­n’t bring­ing in the same big bucks.

Cheryl admits she total­ly sup­port­ed the fam, but wait… that finan­cial pow­er shift was­n’t exact­ly #cou­ple­goals. She even dished on feel­ing good about being the bread­win­ner, but… it messed with their rela­tion­ship vibe. Major yikes!

This isn’t just Cheryl’s sto­ry, though. Amy Robach, co-host of the pod­cast where Cheryl spilled this tea, chimed in about her own past mar­riage. Appar­ent­ly, being the main earn­er can make your part­ner feel… well, less like a man. Dou­ble yikes!

So, what’s Cheryl look­ing for now? For­get sug­ar dad­dies! This queen wants a part­ner who’s con­stant­ly lev­el­ing up, takes respon­si­bil­i­ty, and, most impor­tant­ly, actu­al­ly likes them­self! You go, Cheryl!

Look­ing for more hot celeb goss or love life advice? This pod­cast episode is a must-lis­ten! And hey, maybe Cheryl will find her per­fect match who brings both the love and the finan­cial sta­bil­i­ty. #man­i­fest­ing #girl­boss

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