Kim Kardashian Accused of Copying Bianca Censori’s Style Again

Kim Kardashian Accused of Copying Bianca Censori's Style Again
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Kim Kar­dashi­an Accused of Copy­ing Bian­ca Cen­sori AGAIN in Leo­tard and Tights Outfit

Kim Kardashian’s Alleged Bianca Censori Copycat Look

The SKIMS founder, 43, is being accused of imi­tat­ing the style of Kanye West­’s new wife Bian­ca Cen­sori, 29, after upload­ing new glam­our shots to her Instagram.

In the pho­tos, a blonde Kim Kar­dashi­an is seen exit­ing a Los Ange­les gro­cery store in a cheeky white leo­tard and tights ensem­ble, which many of her 361 mil­lion fol­low­ers com­pared to Bian­ca’s sig­na­ture looks.

“Many of Kim’s 361million fol­low­ers flocked to the com­ment sec­tion to call out her Bian­ca-inspired look — even play­ful­ly refer­ring to Kim as ‘Kim­ber­ly Cen­sori’,” the arti­cle states.

Bianca Censori’s Influence on Kim Kardashian’s Fashion

This isn’t the first time Kim Kar­dashi­an has been accused of copy­ing Bian­ca’s style. Back in April, Kim stepped out with bleached blonde hair and an “apron” top, which was sim­i­lar to a look Bian­ca had debuted near­ly a year earlier.

The arti­cle also notes that Bian­ca has been known to draw inspi­ra­tion from Kim’s fash­ion choic­es, includ­ing wear­ing a plung­ing white dress that resem­bled one Kim wore to her 34th birth­day par­ty a decade ago.

Kanye West’s Influence on Kim and Bianca’s Styles

Dur­ing his mar­riage to Kim, Kanye fre­quent­ly asked her to change her out­fits if he felt she was show­ing too much skin, heav­i­ly influ­enc­ing her fash­ion choic­es. How­ev­er, since mar­ry­ing Bian­ca, the rap­per has seem­ing­ly tak­en a dif­fer­ent approach, with Bian­ca often wear­ing reveal­ing ensembles.

A source pre­vi­ous­ly revealed that Kim warned Kanye not to let Bian­ca wear her reveal­ing out­fits in front of their chil­dren, but Bian­ca has con­tin­ued to shock with her X‑rated looks.

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