Kim Kardashian Reveals Kids’ Matchmaking Attempts

Kim Kardashian Reveals Kids' Matchmaking Attempts
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Kim Kardashian Discusses Single Life

The 43-year-old real­i­ty star was quizzed about her love life by Jim­my Fal­lon, 49, dur­ing her appear­ance on The Tonight Show. Kim revealed that her chil­dren are eager to set her up on dates, but she’s not ready for a new rela­tion­ship at the moment.

“It’s so fun­ny because my kids try to set me up, like they’re ready now, and I’m not,” said Kim, who shares four chil­dren — North, 11, Saint, 8, Chica­go, 6, and Psalm, 5 — with ex-hus­band Kanye West, 47.

Children’s Matchmaking Efforts

Kim shared that her chil­dren have spe­cif­ic pref­er­ences when it comes to poten­tial suit­ors. “Saint wants me to be with like any bas­ket­ball play­er or soc­cer play­er. And I’m like, ‘If you only knew,’ â€ she said, cov­er­ing her mouth and speak­ing to the side.

The real­i­ty star also revealed that some of her kids want her to date stream­ers, as they’ve made lists and tried to “sneak­i­ly set me up.” How­ev­er, Kim made it clear that this isn’t some­thing she’s inter­est­ed in right now.

Kim’s Relationship Status

When Jim­my asked if Kim was see­ing any­one, she clar­i­fied that she was sin­gle. “Yeah,” she con­firmed, adding, “It’s no. No, no.”

Kim has been mar­ried three times, includ­ing to for­mer NBA play­er Kris Humphries, 39, for 72 days in 2011. She has since focused on her career and rais­ing her chil­dren, but it seems her kids are eager to see her find love again.

Traveling with Her Kids

Dur­ing the inter­view, Kim also shared that she enjoys tak­ing solo trips with each of her chil­dren, allow­ing for per­son­al bond­ing time. She revealed that she’s plan­ning a trip to Spain with her son Psalm to watch a Real Madrid soc­cer game, as her kids have var­ied inter­ests, from art to sports.

“It’s pret­ty nut­ty that I’ve trav­eled the world for my kids’ inter­ests, but it’s fun,” Kim said, high­light­ing the lengths she goes to sup­port her chil­dren’s passions.

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