Marcus Jordan Accused of Snorting White Powder with Girlfriend in France

Marcus Jordan Accused of Snorting White Powder with Girlfriend
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Shocking Poolside Incident

Mar­cus Jor­dan, the son of NBA super­star Michael Jor­dan, has found him­self at the cen­ter of a con­tro­ver­sy after he was alleged­ly seen snort­ing a white pow­der sub­stance dur­ing a pool­side lunch with his girl­friend Ash­ley Steven­son in the South of France.

Alleged Substance Use Caught on Camera

The 33-year-old ex-boyfriend of Larsa Pip­pen was pho­tographed using a met­al imple­ment to ingest the mys­tery pow­der while his glam­orous, biki­ni-clad part­ner sat by his side. 

The inci­dent took place at a crowd­ed table, with Jor­dan’s com­pan­ions seem­ing­ly unaware of his actions.

Reactions and Aftermath

The Dai­ly Mail has reached out to a rep­re­sen­ta­tive for Mar­cus Jor­dan, but no offi­cial state­ment has been made regard­ing the inci­dent. The news has sparked wide­spread spec­u­la­tion and con­cern among fans and the public.

Jordan’s Relationship History

This lat­est devel­op­ment comes after Jor­dan’s high-pro­file, on-and-off rela­tion­ship with Larsa Pip­pen, the ex-wife of his father’s for­mer Chica­go Bulls team­mate Scot­tie Pippen. 

The pair’s romance had been a source of con­tro­ver­sy due to their sig­nif­i­cant age gap and the con­nec­tion to the Pip­pen family.

Michael Jordan’s Disapproval

Adding to the dra­ma, Jor­dan’s father, NBA leg­end Michael Jor­dan, had pre­vi­ous­ly expressed his dis­ap­proval of the rela­tion­ship between his son and Larsa Pippen. 

The elder Jor­dan’s remarks had con­tra­dict­ed Larsa’s ear­li­er claims that the Jor­dan fam­i­ly was “fine” with their relationship.

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