Former President Trump Responds to Obama Criticism at Democratic Convention

Former President Trump Responds to Obama Criticism at Democratic Convention
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Trump Fires Back at Obama Criticism

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump respond­ed sharply to crit­i­cism from Barack and Michelle Oba­ma in their speech­es at the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Convention. 

In an exclu­sive inter­view with, Trump called Michelle Oba­ma “nasty” and Barack Oba­ma “lousy,” express­ing frus­tra­tion with their per­son­al attacks on him.

Obama Convention Speeches Target Trump

The Oba­mas used their prime-time con­ven­tion appear­ances to mock Trump’s record, crowd sizes, and even make veiled ref­er­ences to his manhood. 

Michelle Oba­ma ques­tioned Trump’s qual­i­fi­ca­tions for the pres­i­den­cy, while Barack Oba­ma described him as a griev­ance-filled bil­lion­aire obsessed with crowd sizes.

Trump’s Initial Restraint Gives Way to Criticism

Trump ini­tial­ly showed restraint, telling CNN he respect­ed the Oba­mas. How­ev­er, after their con­ven­tion speech­es, he told, “I’m try­ing to be nice to these people.

They were lousy pres­i­dents, and you know this one com­ing. It’s the worst.”

Kamala Harris in Trump’s Crosshairs

Trump piv­ot­ed to attack Vice Pres­i­den­tial nom­i­nee Kamala Har­ris, call­ing her a “rad­i­cal Marx­ist per­son that ruined every­thing in her path.” He used the inter­view and a sub­se­quent ral­ly to paint Har­ris as a dan­ger to the nation.

Long-Standing Trump-Obama Rivalry

The arti­cle high­lights the long-stand­ing ten­sion between Trump and the Oba­mas, dat­ing back to Trump’s “birther” claims ques­tion­ing Barack Oba­ma’s citizenship. 

This lat­est exchange reignites their con­tentious rela­tion­ship as the 2024 elec­tion cam­paign heats up.

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