Outrage Over OnlyFans Model’s Unsanitary Supermarket Stunt

Outrage Over OnlyFans Model's Unsanitary Supermarket Stunt
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Model’s Supermarket Prank Sparks Outrage

A British Only­Fans mod­el, Chloe Lopez, has sparked out­rage after post­ing videos of her­self leav­ing her used under­wear among food at the super­mar­ket and in oth­er pub­lic settings. 

In one video that has since been removed from Insta­gram, Lopez is seen slip­ping off her black lace thong in the mid­dle of a gro­cery store aisle and toss­ing it onto a shelf of food, with a cheeky smile before saun­ter­ing off.


The inci­dent has drawn wide­spread con­dem­na­tion, with many call­ing it “dis­gust­ing” and “unsan­i­tary.” Thou­sands of com­menters have expressed their dis­ap­proval, with some call­ing for her to be arrest­ed and her social media account to be shut down.

Hygiene Concerns and Calls for Accountability

Peo­ple have crit­i­cized Lopez’s behav­ior, not­ing that she was con­t­a­m­i­nat­ing the food and could poten­tial­ly make peo­ple sick. One com­menter asked, “But why near food? C’mon! Hygiene!” Oth­ers called her actions “beyond dis­gust­ing” and “beyond sickening.”

Some have even called for Lopez to be banned from Spain, where it seems she has been leav­ing her under­wear in var­i­ous pub­lic places, includ­ing a cafe, a pub­lic memo­r­i­al, and a gas pump. One clip even showed her ditch­ing her light blue under­wear in a vend­ing machine.

Attention-Seeking Stunts and Social Media Backlash

This is not the first time an Only­Fans mod­el has drawn crit­i­cism for an atten­tion-seek­ing stunt. Anoth­er British Only­Fans mod­el, Rain Mon­roe, recent­ly faced back­lash for claim­ing to have a “Trump” tat­too on her fore­head, although many were skep­ti­cal about the per­ma­nen­cy of the tattoo.

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