ForÂmer NationÂal InstiÂtute of AllerÂgy and InfecÂtious DisÂeases (NIAID) DirecÂtor Dr. AnthoÂny FauÂci conÂtraÂdictÂed sevÂerÂal of his past stateÂments from the COVID-19 panÂdemÂic when he tesÂtiÂfied before ConÂgress on Monday.
The forÂmer top panÂdemÂic advisÂer to two presÂiÂdenÂtial adminÂisÂtraÂtions, who retired from NIAID in 2022 after nearÂly four decades at the helm, faced sharp quesÂtions about the reverÂsals from RepubÂliÂcan memÂbers of the House Select SubÂcomÂmitÂtee on the CoroÂnÂavirus Pandemic.
Social Distancing Mandate
FauÂci acknowlÂedged that the six-foot social disÂtancÂing manÂdate was not based on sciÂenÂtifÂic data or clinÂiÂcal triÂals. He statÂed: âWhen I say it was not based in sciÂence, I meant a prospecÂtive clinÂiÂcal triÂal to deterÂmine whether six-foot was betÂter than three- was betÂter than 10.â FauÂci also said the CDC made the deciÂsion on the manÂdate, and they had disÂcusÂsions about it in the White House.
Masking for Children
FauÂci preÂviÂousÂly endorsed uniÂverÂsal maskÂing, even callÂing for it to be imposed on schoolÂchildÂren as an âextra step of cauÂtionâ in a 2021 interÂview. HowÂevÂer, he admitÂted on MonÂday that âthere was no study that did masks on kids.â
Vaccine Opposition as âIdeological Bullshitâ
In a 2020 audioÂbook recordÂing, FauÂci statÂed: âItâs been proven that when you make it difÂfiÂcult for peoÂple in their lives, they lose their ideÂoÂlogÂiÂcal bullsât and they get vacÂciÂnatÂed.â On MonÂday, FauÂci said âthatâs not what I was referÂring toâ and the objecÂtions to COVID vacÂcines âwere not,â in fact, âideÂoÂlogÂiÂcal bullsât.â
Lab Leak Theory
FauÂci denied parÂticÂiÂpatÂing in efforts to downÂplay and cenÂsor proÂpoÂnents of the lab leak theÂoÂry, statÂing: âNot on my part.â HowÂevÂer, emails showed he and forÂmer NIH DirecÂtor Dr. FranÂcis Collins worked to proÂduce a study debunkÂing the theÂoÂry and called for a âquick and devÂasÂtatÂingâ takeÂdown of epiÂdemiÂolÂoÂgists who opposed lockdowns.
Vaccine Effectiveness
FauÂci claimed vacÂcines âhave saved hunÂdreds of thouÂsands of AmerÂiÂcansâ but acknowlÂedged their abilÂiÂty to preÂvent infecÂtion and transÂmisÂsion waned over time. He said: âIt did not preÂvent transÂmisÂsion when the abilÂiÂty to preÂvent infecÂtion waned.â
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