Tragic Death of One-Year-Old Girl: Memphis Babysitters Charged with Murder

Tragic Death of One-Year-Old Girl: Memphis Babysitters Charged with Murder
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Unspeakable Injuries and Tragic Death

Two babysit­ters, Kiya Moore, 21, and her boyfriend Dejon Smith, 34, have been charged with first-degree mur­der after the death of Moore’s one-year-old niece, Kali Moore. 

The baby girl was rushed to the hos­pi­tal in Mem­phis, where she was pro­nounced dead, with doc­tors find­ing a skull and neck frac­ture, mas­sive bruis­ing, and rec­tal bleeding.

Conflicting Statements and Blame-Shifting

Accord­ing to the charg­ing affi­davit, Moore and Smith gave con­flict­ing state­ments to the police, with each blam­ing the oth­er for Kali’s death. 

Smith claimed he heard Moore yelling and slam­ming the baby into the floor, walls, and fur­ni­ture, while Moore said she left Smith alone with Kali and the infant was unre­spon­sive when she returned home.

Heartbreaking Family Reaction and Mourning

Kali’s moth­er, Kyera Moore, took to Face­book in a series of heart­break­ing posts, insist­ing that her sis­ter was inno­cent and explain­ing the baby’s pre-exist­ing con­di­tions that may have caused the injuries. 

Kyera expressed her grief and des­per­a­tion, beg­ging God to take her life instead of her daughter’s.

Charges and Ongoing Investigation

Despite the fam­i­ly’s claims, the police decid­ed to charge both Moore and Smith with first-degree mur­der, aggra­vat­ed child abuse, and aggra­vat­ed child neglect. 

The inves­ti­ga­tion is ongo­ing, and the author­i­ties have not com­ment­ed on Kyer­a’s statements.

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