MUSIC: Beyonce joins TikTok, does not publish anything, but collects nearly 75,000 subscribers in a few hours.

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Sony Music U tweet­ed about arriv­ing on Tik­Tok (entire­ly with a blue check) as fans lit up Twit­ter try­ing to decide whether to announce a new album, Ivy Park, or some­thing else.
Stop the press­es, Bey­on­cé did some­thing that is next to noth­ing at all but it’s enough some­thing that tens of thou­sands of peo­ple lose their minds and fol­low her — even if tech­ni­cal­ly it’s still nothing.

On Thurs­day night, a new account appeared on Tik­Tok, @beyonce, claim­ing to be Queen Bey her­self. It even has the blue ver­i­fi­ca­tion badge that we are all meant to be able to rely on. So, does that mean it’s real­ly her?

Lend­ing some cred­i­bil­i­ty to the new page, Sony Music U, which is the col­lege music divi­sion of Bey­on­cé’s music label, has announced its arrival on Tik­Tok. Does that mean it’s legit­i­mate? His cur­rent label said noth­ing. His Twit­ter feed did­n’t say any­thing (he’s been shut down for over a year now).

In fact, Bey­on­cé’s sup­posed Tik­Tok did­n’t say any­thing. The account con­tin­ues to accu­mu­late sub­scribers even though it sits there like a mass doing noth­ing at all. So what is it all about? Is he an epic troll on Bey’s fan­dom? Is she prepar­ing to unveil new music? Fash­ion in Ivy Park?

Fans on Twit­ter were ready for any­thing, and are the boys excit­ed for the pos­si­bil­i­ty that the Queen deigns to step into the hippest social media plat­form of the day she in.

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